Wootini’s Weekly Animal Crossing Diary 9/4/21

Chris Eades
4 min readSep 4, 2021


Dear Diary,

It’s the end of another month, and naturally, the beginning of a new one brings new gifts and discoveries. Maybe not as many as before, but even now there are still new things to find on the island of Xanadu. And as a bonus, I didn’t lose my boyfriend!

So remember last week when I helped out Gulliver for the umpteenth time? Well, my reward was this awesome candy skull mask! And while it’s very similar to the other one he gave me, the colors are slightly different. So I hung it on the wall next to my other one in the living room and maybe when Day of the Dead rolls around I’ll wear it around the island!

There was a Bug-Off this week, but unfortunately, by the time I got around to leaving my house and checking on the island, there were literally minutes to go before it ended. Oh well! Like I said last month anyway, there’s really no new rewards to earn so I’d really just be playing the free round to keep Flick happy!

I made extra sure not to miss the final fireworks show of the summer, and even submitted the Eurovision logo I designed earlier this year as a new design for the sky. My photo of that one didn’t come out great, but here you can see the rainbow and the Xanadu “X” that I added to the rotation last year. I’m holding a yellow balloon, which was the very first prize I got off Redd’s crooked raffle that wasn’t food. I did get a chocolate frozen treat as well this time around, but I also got a red sparkler! In fact, I was so excited to finally get something that wasn’t food, I didn’t even set the sparkler off. I just stored it away so we can have fireworks in the winter! It’s too precious to waste! (But watch me totally forget I even have it in storage…)

I could tell there was something on Lopez’s mind so I asked him to talk to me about it and he admitted he was thinking of striking out somewhere new! Oh no! I can’t lose my boyfriend! I begged him to reconsider, and he quickly agreed it would be the absolute worst idea in the world. Phew!

We had a camper, and while Bettina seemed pretty cool, I didn’t try chatting her up to see if she was interested in moving to the island. I’m still stinging from last week when Rowan turned me down flat. I couldn’t go through that kind of rejection again so soon!

Ah, a new month and a new gift from Mom. Her letter talked about how the weather can’t decide to be too hot or too cold and she never knows whether or not to bring a jacket. What that has to do with these pillows she makes, I have no idea. But this new blue one has a lovely pattern on it. I do still like the hearts with the “M” in the center, but that’s been out for a year, so I did a swap to give this one some face time. Or butt time, since I sit on it when I listen to records!

I saw there was a grape- harvest basket for sale since the Grape Harvest Festival is apparently timely. I’ve never heard of it, but then again, I don’t have a vineyard. But it’s cute, and unique, so I had to buy it. Even if I’ll only wear it for a little while.

I was also excited to see something new at Redd’s. I bought this Nice painting, and then the next day when it came in the mail and I went to donate it to the museum, I suddenly worried that I already had it and just forgot. Thankfully, I was right the first time and I didn’t already have “The Fifer” by Édouard Manet. Yay! (Now if only I could get some more sculptures… that first area of the art section is just so empty!)



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