Wootini’s Weekly Animal Crossing Diary 9/28/24
Dear Diary,
Busy week on the island! I made some money, helped a pal, learned something new, went to a party, met someone new, played host, and more! Let’s dive right in!
For a change, I was up early enough to buy some turnips from Daisy Mae and play the Stalk Market. At first, I only bought 100 because I thought 101 bells was a bit high for a starting price. But then I went back and bought another 400 to make it 500 because… well, I’ve got the bells to spend. The next day they were up to 105 and I almost sold but held out. The next two days were 62 and 52 which made me nervous, so when it went up to 112 the following day I sold them all even though I only made 5,500 bells in profit. And the next day they were back down to 71 so I probably made the right call!
I checked in on Muffy and found her under the weather. Thankfully, I’d restocked up on medicine so I had some on me to give her. Sure, a picture would have been a lovely thank you gift, but I guess I’ll take a magic kit. Thanks, Muffy…
I’m always surprised when I find a DIY recipe that I don’t already have. And this week, during a thunderstorm I risked getting hit by lightning to walk along the beach and pick up a bottle that had a DIY recipe for a cute rose crown in it. I’ll never make it, but it’s always fun to learn something new!
This week it was Apple’s birthday, so I joined Ace at her place to celebrate for a bit. I had forgotten to buy her a present so I just gave her a pink kids’ tent that I had in storage. It’s cute and pink so naturally she loved it. I’ve had her picture for ages since she’s one of my OG friends on the island, so I don’t even remember what she gave me to say thanks for coming!
We had a camper this week, but I wasn’t too taken with Annalisa. Sorry, but I’m not about to make room on my island for you. You seem nice enough but we’re full up.
At the end of the week, Camofrog basically just kind of invited himself over to my place and since we’re still new friends I agreed to show him around my house to help establish our relationship a bit. He thanked me for having him over with a small silk hat, and later, after I won a game of high card low card, he gifted me with a pair of alpinist overalls. Oh, and the following day he sent me a thank you letter and included a mug. Hope this helps start us on the road to being good friends, Camofrog!
Isabelle also reported we were going to close the week with shooting stars so I made a point of going back out at night to make some wishes and find Celeste. It was a new DIY recipe she gave me, but it was only for a golden wand, which I’m like… meh. I don’t really use the wands to change clothes or anything. I wanted another piece of celestial furniture. Oh well, maybe next time!