Wootini’s Weekly Animal Crossing Diary 9/28/19
Dear Diary,
Geneva is still a bit of a mess, but I’m not giving up on trying to put things right. Some of the flowers I lost have started growing back, but the area around the police station is still rather sparse. I know I can replant to move them all into the same area, but I prefer to know if new flowers have grown there instead.
I normally don’t bother with the contests anymore, but it was the last Bug-Off of the year and I didn’t really have any other pressing business so I figured why not just capture a couple bugs as I run across them and see what happens?
I had run across a grasshopper and a monarch butterfly so I just handed those in to see what I got. My grasshopper was worth 39 points and put me into first place getting me a classic wall shelf in return. Of course, this was very early in the day, so the contest had just started. My butterfly? Complete dud at 22 points so that was a bust.
When I checked my mail the next day and didn’t see a letter with a trophy I knew I didn’t even place, but I checked the bulletin board to see who had won. My 39-point grasshopper wasn’t even close! (Not that I need another trophy anyway…)
It’s always sad when my friends ask me to help them get signatures for petitions. The trains don’t really have anywhere to go anymore because there aren’t any towns with their gates open for visiting these days. I feel bad turning them down and saying I can’t help. But I honestly can’t! I don’t know if there will be petitions in the new town I move to next year, but if there are, there should be places to visit… for a while, at least.
I didn’t mind Tiffany adopting my new “Super C” nickname because she wasn’t calling me “chap” anyway. And “Super” is a nice upgrade from “Little!”
Deli told me he was bored with Geneva and wanted to move somewhere new, but I had to shut him down. I know Geneva is a small little town and there honestly isn’t that much to see, but I can’t let him go. I’m annoyed at only having 9 residents, so I’m certainly not going to let it go down to 8!
I got this worried letter from my mother, and since she expressed concern about my eating habits, I assumed she’d sent some kind of food in the package. But instead she’d sent a conga drum. Not sure how that’s supposed to help me eat more… My mother is weird.
Knox was kind of an awesome camper, what with his weird knight’s helmet and all, but I had to resist inviting him to move to town. It’s killing me, but I really need someone to move in naturally. Also, he’d probably turn me down anyway like all the others. I don’t know what the problem is!
At the end of the week, Lopez told me he wanted to bury a time capsule, and there was no way I was going to screw this up like I did with Quillson the other week. He handed over the capsule and I immediately turned around and buried it near his house. I need to do everything I can to make Geneva awesome enough for people to want to move here. Well, aside from helping get signatures for petitions, since that’s basically impossible at this point. Sometimes I feel like Geneva is one of the only towns left in the world…