Wootini’s Weekly Animal Crossing Diary 8/27/22

Chris Eades
5 min readAug 27, 2022


Dear Diary,

This was a big week on the island! I finally got around to doing something I’ve been meaning to do for a while now, so there was a whole lot of activity, then a birthday, fireworks, and more… let’s not waste any more time!

So this week kicked off with my boyfriend’s birthday party. I knew it was coming up and there was a shirt I thought would look really good on Lopez so that became his gift. I wrapped it up and gave it to him and he seemed super happy about it. Even his thank you note was super enthusiastic. But I’ve yet to see him wear it… Hm…

So I did some diving this week for the first time in forever and happened upon a scallop which I happily gave to Pascal in exchange for a gift. This time I got a DIY recipe for a mermaid screen, which I still need to craft. I think I have some pearls in storage, but I keep forgetting to check!

The reason for the diving is because I finally sat down and made a list of all the bugs and fish that I still haven’t caught to donate to the museum. In all my years of living in different towns, I have never managed to complete those sections of the museum. Art and fossils? Easy. Bugs and fish? Not so easy. But I finally caught a giant isopod, so that’s a step in the right direction!

I also remembered to show up for the fireworks this week. They were delightful. I got my star bopper hat from Isabelle to be polite, though I didn’t put it on. But I got an uchiwa fan in Redd’s raffle, so that was cute. Also a chocolate frozen treat, but I ate that right away.

In my quest for new bugs and fish, I’ve been wandering the island later in the evening because I rarely ever do, and that’s why those bugs and fish have remained uncaught. And one day I was out late enough that I ran into Wisp! After scaring him, I managed to find all his spirit pieces and he rewarded me with a hanging guide sign. Not that exciting, but at least it’s something I didn’t already have!

While searching for Wisp’s pieces and parts, I was also shaking literally every tree I came across looking for a spider. After a half-dozen wasp attacks, a ton of branches, some bells, and a piece of furniture, I finally got one! I couldn’t believe I’d never even caught a spider before, so I’m glad I can check that off the list. It’s not even rare, so I was a little embarrassed about that one.

There was a new T-shirt available in the Nook shopping app to celebrate the Tomato Festival in Spain. I’ve never heard of it, but it’s a super cute shirt, and I like feeling like a saucy tomato!

Coco told me she was thinking about moving away and I had a moment where I thought that I might already have her picture, but then I was pretty sure I didn’t, so I asked her to please stick around. At least until I can get her picture. Although she’s kind of cool, so I might want her to stay even longer than that. I know I said Coco was kind of creepy when she first arrived, but she’s grown on me!

We had a camper this week, and Angus was super hyped to just move right in. Like, it was the first thing out of his mouth. However, I wasn’t as hyped to have this dude on the island, so I was grateful that he said he wanted to play a game to help make his decision whether or not to move. I declined to play the game, so I avoided the whole drama completely!

I found Gulliver washed up on the beach so I decided to go ahead and give him a hand collecting his stupid phone parts even though I wasn’t sure I’d get anything new as a reward. At least this turban is a different feather color than the one he gave me before!

I found out that there are a whole bunch of bugs that I haven’t caught because they only come out at night and most of them only appear on coconut trees. So I planted a bunch more coconut trees, but when I see a bug that looks new, it always flies away before I can creep close enough to catch it in my net. Rude! However, I did manage to catch a scarab beetle as well as a rainbow stag. Those were a little easier to catch… once they showed up, that is! The problem is that those bugs will only show up on the coconut trees during a certain time of year, and that time is up in just a few days! So I’m guessing I’m not going to be able to complete the bug section of the museum until next summer. Sigh…



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