Wootini’s Weekly Animal Crossing Diary 8/15/20

Chris Eades
4 min readAug 15, 2020


Dear Diary,

This week I learned why it’s not always worth the bother to make an effort. But sometimes it is, so you have to at least try! Let me explain…

I’m so glad that K.K. Slider had an audience for this week’s show. Usually there are people hanging out watching him jam during the day but when I go back in the evening to make a special request they’ve all gone home or moved on. But it was nice to have a bit of a crowd to enjoy his acoustic performance of “Drivin’” which if you haven’t heard it, is really good! But you have to request it specially. It’s a secret menu item, if you will.

This week I got even lamer prizes from Redd’s raffle than I did last week. At least last Sunday I got some sparklers. This time I got this tweeter which is a three-way noisemaker, then a pinwheel, and a couple balloons. Sigh. Where are the good prizes? I see a bottle rocked on his display… when do I win that?

I don’t have a lot of custom designs to offer Isabelle to be turned into fireworks because I’m crap at the pattern designer. But I did make that Xanadu “X” logo, so I figured I’d give her that. But it barely showed up in the fireworks show! I only saw it a couple of times and both times it was partially obscured by the building! Rude.

Sherb wanted to play the treasure hunting game with me and I had some spare time so I figured why not? Well, bad idea. I scoured the entire island but the timer ran out and I never found where he buried it! I was so humiliated!

Gullivarrr washed up again this week and I dove around until I found his cell phone (which I can never believe still works after it’s been under the sea but maybe as a pirate he has a special waterproof model?) and in return the following day he mailed me this amazing pirate treasure chest! It’s sooo cool!

Portia is a bit on the snooty side for me, and not in a fun way. Like, in a boring way. But it’s not like I have any free space in Xanadu right now anyway, even if she expressed a desire to move here. Sorry, lady!

Of course, a couple days later, Shari tried to talk to me about moving away again and I seriously don’t get it. I don’t ignore her, yet she keeps trying to leave. But the few residents who I do ignore and never speak to just keep hanging around. Sigh. I agree that Xanadu could use some new blood, but it won’t be at Shari’s expense.

It’s been a long while since anyone has taught me any reactions. And it’s not because I know them all already. There are still quite a few left blank. So I was excited when Rizzo came running over calling my name and taught me the Inspiration Reaction. Eureka!

At the end of the week, Redd showed up with some more shady artwork. The girl with the pearl earring looked legit, but how can that be as I’ve already got that one hanging in my museum? It’s a mystery. I ended up buying this flowery painting that looks real, and I’ve heard that it always is, but we’ll have to wait until next week’s diary to find out if it’s the genuine article!



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