Wootini’s Weekly Animal Crossing Diary 7/9/22
Dear Diary,
Sorry about the hiccup in the normally weekly entries but I was away on vacation so I wasn’t able to do my regular diary entry last weekend. I still visited my island every day, though, so there is plenty to catch up on! Let’s begin!
So we had another Bug-Off, and after doing the free round, I got another bug cage, but more importantly, Flick informed me that my total points are more than 200, which gets me a prize! Not right then, of course. I had to wait a day and then I got a letter in the mail from Flick that read: “To Chris, beloved by bugs, Thanks for participating in the Bug-Off! You scored at least 200 points, so I’ve included your prize! You have traveled far on the road towards their thoraxy realm!” And inside was a silver bug trophy. I honestly hadn’t realized that I could get trophies for getting more and more points, so I guess I’m going to go back to doing the Bug-Offs and Fishing Tournaments again!
I didn’t learn a whole lot these past couple of weeks as far as DIY recipes. I found a recipe for a peach tart in a bottle on the beach and then a couple of days later, I found one for pound cake. And the following week I found one for a tree-stump rug. The bottles are better than my neighbors, who keep showing me recipes I already know!
It was already a dreary day because of the rain, but then I found out that Lopez was thinking about moving away. Um, I don’t think so! You’re not going anywhere, buddy!
We had a few campers at the campsite over the past two weeks, starting with Fuchsia. I totally see where she got her name because she is… colorful! Honestly, she seemed nice enough, but it almost hurts to look at her. That color! It’s not natural!
I was very excited to get a couple of evenings of shooting stars these past weeks. And Celeste was there both times. The stars? Not so much… The first one, she gave me a recipe for a rocket, and there were plenty of stars to wish upon. But the next week, she showed me a recipe for a star head, but the shooting stars were few and far between. You’d get a little burst of five or six, but then nothing for like, 10 minutes. Super annoying.
When July began, it was once again time for another letter from Mom. She wrote about the annoyingly loud cicadas keeping her awake and sent me another Mom’s plushie, this time a cute little doggie. It could be more colorful, I suppose, but it’s still adorable. Thanks, Mom!
With my schedule all screwy, I visited the island at different times so I was actually around at night to run into Wisp! After collecting the five pieces of his spirit to restore him to his former glory, I asked for furniture I don’t already have, but I honestly forget what he gave me! Should’ve written it down! Oops!
Our second camper was Chief, who seemed a little suspicious. Something in the eyes, I think. But it’s not like there’s any room on Xanadu for anyone new right now anyway.
During the second week, Sasha admitted he was thinking about exploring new horizons. I had to shut that down, too. First of all, he only just got here and I don’t even have his picture yet. But secondly, he’s adorable and I’m not bored of him yet!
Closing out this entry is Xanadu’s final camper, Peck. This time I was kind of glad there’s no room for him because he’s totally another jock and we’ve already got three of those on the island. I only really can handle one at a time, honestly. Plus, he’s got dead eyes. Super creepy. I don’t like it. Sorry, Peck! I’m sure you’re lovely!