Wootini’s Weekly Animal Crossing Diary 7/8/23
Dear Diary,
Well, in the other world, it was the Fourth of July, but we don’t celebrate that on the island. However, there was still plenty to keep me busy over the past week, so let’s get to it!
As it’s the beginning of a new month, July, it’s time for another letter and present from Mom! “My dear Chris,” she wrote. “The cicadas cry into the morning light, awakening the world with their cacophonous symphony. Your mother cries out as well, lamenting her lack of sleep. Less sleep, more snuggles? — Mom.” And enclosed was another Mom’s plushie. It’s so cute! And it matches my shirt!
Once again, I was up plenty early on a Sunday so I was able to find Daisy Mae and see what turnips were going for. Again, they were 101, so I bought 300 of them. I would have bought more, but I didn’t have a whole lot of bells on me at the time.
I popped into Apple’s to see how she was doing, and it turned out she wasn’t doing very well at all! Poor thing. Luckily, I had some medicine on me, but not as much as I’d thought! I honestly thought I had stocked up recently, but I guess I meant to and never did because she got the last of my medicine. Naturally, the next time I was in Nook’s Cranny, I bought some more. Always gotta have medicine on you because you never know when you might need it!
Sadly, the day after I bought turnips, I didn’t get a new DIY recipe from Daisy Mae. Instead, I just got some bamboo shoots. Are there really no more turnip DIY recipes? That’s a shame.
This week was Apollo’s birthday. (The bald eagle having a birthday on July 4? Coincidence?) Anyway, I was surprised to see Sasha as his guest, but he does live right next door, so maybe that’s why he came over. I can’t imagine those two really getting along well! I brought Apollo a film projector as his present, and he seemed very happy with it. Maybe he was just making me feel better, but who cares?
Then Ace confessed to me that he was thinking about moving away. Dude, you literally just got here! You have to stick around long enough to give me your picture, at least. Plus, you were my OG BFF from back in my first town, and I haven’t seen you in forever. Once I found out you were back again, I couldn’t wait to see you once more. So get comfortable!
Good thing I stocked up on more medicine because later in the week, Sherb caught whatever Apple was suffering from. He lives right near her, so she must have passed it on to him. Gotta be more careful, Sherb!
We also had a camper, and I have to say that Jitters looks completely insane. It looks like he shouldn’t be eating that lollipop because he certainly doesn’t need any more sugar. Weirdly, he seemed kind of sporty, which kind of lessened my interest in the guy. I just wanted him to be weird and hyper!
I was concerned because all week, the turnip prices were down in the dumps. I was afraid I was going to have to take a loss, but then on Thursday, the price suddenly shot up. So I sold them immediately and made 21,000 bells in profit. Score! And I was super happy I didn’t push my luck because on Friday, the price went way down again!
I had some free time, so I went on one of Kapp’n boat tours. The island he took me to wasn’t anything special, but there were these hydrangea bushes all over, so I dug some up to plant back home. I’ve never seen them before, which is weird, because you’d think Lief would have made a point of telling me he got some new stock in. Guess he didn’t want the business!
Then Robin proposed a game of treasure hunt, so I quickly agreed. Even though I knew that I probably wouldn’t be getting her picture quite yet. (I don’t feel we’re at that level yet…) I actually had some trouble finding the treasure, and managed to stumble across it with like, 20 seconds left on the clock! But I didn’t want to lose just in case the prize was her picture. It wasn’t.
Robin gave me a football shirt instead. However, when I tried it on I decided that I liked it and I threw on some jogging shorts and High-tech sneakers to complete the look. I feel sporty! (I’m not, actually, but at least I can look like it!)