Wootini’s Weekly Animal Crossing Diary 7/6/19
Dear Diary,
Well, in the real world there was a big holiday, but in Geneva, things were relatively sedate. I tried to do something I haven’t done in ages and I guess I’m a little out of practice, because it totally didn’t work! Oh well… better luck next time!
Once again, I started my week with a Saturday visit that was late enough I could swing by Club LoL and check out a K.K. Slider concert. While looking something else up online I’d heard about a song called Hypno K.K., which was only available by request, so I thought I’d give it a shot. K.K. seemed a little surprised that I’d even heard about that particular deep cut, but he was not only happy to play the tune, but slip me a copy of it afterwards! It’s really good, one of my top faves!
I saw a notice on the bulletin board that said the rainy season was about over. And in fact, I did get one more rainy day this week, but I’m afraid my lazy flower watering days are over for now. I really need to get some shorts for the hot summer weather…
This week, I had a camper, and I know I said last week that I wanted to get somebody random to move into Geneva, but when I saw Coco, I couldn’t not ask her to join us here! Just look at her! She’s like some kind of creepy zombie bunny! I have no idea what her story is, but I wanted her to move in so I could find out. Sadly, she turned me down. Darnit! And by the end of the week, there was still no indication that anybody was moving in to take Nana’s place. Come on! I don’t like not having a full town!
In the middle of the week, Monty told me he was thinking about moving away, too. But since Nana left, I’m not going to let anybody else leave until someone else moves in. I don’t like having only nine residents, so eight is right out! No way! Also, I went through a lot of trouble to get Monty to move here from my friend’s town as you might recall, so I wouldn’t have let him leave anyway.
Once again, in my hunt for fossils and gyroids and whatever else is buried around town, I dug up a time capsule before being asked to do it. But it looks like Butch had completely forgotten about it so I guess I did him a favor! Inside was a sunflower tee and a note that read: “To future Butch, I’m putting my best outfit in the time capsule in case of some sort of emergency. So, future me, are you in need of your best outfit right now? Is the world bleak and scary? You, from the past!” I mean, my world is bleak and scary, which is why I spend so much time in this one. But I guess Butch didn’t feel like Geneva was so bad that he needed his “best outfit” because he gave me the sunflower tee as a reward for helping him with all this nonsense.
The end of the week brought fireworks and hamburgers in the real world, but in Geneva, it was very quiet. I guess even my mom was concerned I’d be bored because she sent me a letter to read. And much to my surprise, she actually did send some fruit — a pear. Yummy! Thanks, Mom!