Wootini’s Weekly Animal Crossing Diary 7/3/21

Chris Eades
4 min readJul 3, 2021


Dear Diary,

Well, this week was rather rewarding, if you know what I mean. I received multiple gifts and even made one myself! Unfortunately, Xanadu also said goodbye to one of its residents, who has only her fashion sense to blame…

Remember when I rescued Gullivarrr at the very end of last week? Well, my reward was another pirate outfit. And not even a different color variety or anything. Just the same exact thing. Hm. I’m thinking that clumsy pirate has run out of rewards… I might just start leaving him for someone else to try and help!

My friend Nel-Nel sent me this Kerokerokeroppi rug in the mail and I was confused. I have no idea where he got such a thing. But a little Googling revealed that it’s part of the Sanrio collection that came out recently. Of course, I’ve been unable to get any of the Sanrio cards myself to allow me to purchase any of those special items. So I have to rely on the kindness of my friends! (Honestly wasn’t sure which way to position it in my living room but decided I didn’t want him staring at me while I watched TV…)

This week there was also a Bug-Off, so I figured I’d take some time to give it a go. First round is free, after all! I did really well and gathered enough points to redeem for an item but it was another butterfly backpack. So I think I’ve exhausted those rewards, too. Flick needs to get some new items to give away or people will stop playing in the Bug-Off… and I know how much he’d hate that!

I also decided to do a little bit of swimming just for the fun of it. And a good thing, too, because the back half of the week was just nonstop rain, including a couple of really serious storms. And I eventually found a scallop, which meant Pascal came a-begging. And I got a mermaid rug DIY recipe as thanks! Yay, something new!

I also gathered enough summer shells to make the summer-shell rug I got the recipe for weeks ago. They’re just not washing ashore in particularly big numbers. Not that I need any more because I haven’t gotten any more DIY recipes from balloons, just garbage. I thought it might look nice in my bathroom, though I worry that the color is a bit much given the neutral scheme of everything else…

Ava admitted to me she was thinking about moving, and I honestly didn’t have any second thoughts about wishing her well. She’s kind of boring, really. She’s lovely and sweet, but that’s it. Also, the fact that she was wearing that dopey hat on her head sealed the deal. Hopefully, her replacement will be someone more interesting… although by week’s end, no one had claimed her empty plot of land.

This week it was regular vanilla flavor Gulliver who washed ashore on Xanadu and it looks like this guy still has some rewards I don’t already have. Because the next day, I got this nifty geisha wig, which I totally thought I already had but when I checked, I totally did not! Yay!

I got another letter from Mom, that same one from last summer complaining about the cicadas (I freaking hate them, too, and was dismayed that as soon as July started, they were everywhere — even in the rain!). Although the Mom’s plushie she enclosed was different than the one she sent last year. It’s so adorable!



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