Wootini’s Weekly Animal Crossing Diary 7/24/21

Chris Eades
3 min readJul 24, 2021


Dear Diary,

Sigh. This week I made a decision that I know was the right one but I immediately regretted it and wish there was a way to take it back. Unfortunately, that’s just impossible.

I’ve had a run of boring campers lately, I gotta say. We started off with Goldie this week which — no offense — was disappointing. I’ve known her in the past and she’s completely nice but completely bland. But it’s okay because we didn’t have any open plots of land on the island anyway.

Clay told me he wanted to move away to have new adventures and I decided to wish him luck. As I’ve said before, I’m trying not to imprison my neighbors like I did in my last town. Clay is delightful, but I’ve got his picture, and Sherb gives me the same feels, so I felt like it was okay. Well, that is, for about 30 seconds and then I immediately regretted my decision. I’m honestly going to miss that little hamster. His goodbye even made me a little emotional!

The day that Clay was packing up to move away we had another camper, and I was hoping for somebody good I could just invite to move right in, but it was Margie. I enjoyed Margie in my last town. She’s a famous actress, you know. She played Sally in the Animal Crossing movie. She’s cool, but I’m really trying to meet new people on this island, so I didn’t chat her up too much and invite her to stick around. Sorry, Margie!

I also rescued Gullivarrr and found his phone again and the following day he sent me this pirate dress. At least it’s a variation on the one he’d sent me previously, but that one at least had cool red stripes. Black and grey are… not particularly striking.

At the end of the week, Redd showed up but unfortunately I knew I already had at least three of the four pieces he was trying to unload. I wasn’t sure about the large mural half, but when I checked the museum, I did, in fact, have that one as well. And the real one, because the colors in this fake are way off! Try again, Redd!

After it took so long to get my last new resident, I was actually somewhat surprised it only took a couple of days before Clay’s empty plot of land was already sold. Nook is on the ball! I’m a little concerned about Eunice, though. I don’t know anything about her (I know I could Google her, but that’s like, cheating and will spoil the surprise) but the island is getting a little female-heavy and I was hoping for another boy. Also, the name Eunice doesn’t bode well. Sounds like an old lady! Guess we’ll just have to wait and see!



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