Wootini’s Weekly Animal Crossing Diary 7/23/22

Chris Eades
3 min readJul 23, 2022


Dear Diary,

This was another delightfully low-key week on Xanadu. No really big disasters or concerns. Just lots of relaxing fun! If only every week could be like this! And on the mainland, too!

Things kicked off with me checking in on some of my neighbors and finding poor Sasha home with a cold. Since Sasha is new and I don’t yet have his picture, I’m happy to do whatever kinds of favors I can to get on his good side and solidify our friendship until it’s picture-worthy. And I always make sure to have medicine in my pockets just for this kind of occasion! Be Prepared!

The next day, I ran into Sherb on the beach looking preoccupied and found out that he was thinking about broadening his horizons… by moving away! For maybe a half a second I considered letting him go but then asked him to stick around. He and Apple have been with the island since the very beginning and I’ve grown very attached to them. If I ever manage to say goodbye to either of them, it will be a very hard day.

I guess helping Sasha get over his cold did the trick because a couple of days later he wanted to hang out with me. I mean, he basically just invited himself over to my house, but in the interest of establishing friendship, I agreed. Mind you, he didn’t leave until he’d seen the entire house, which is both time consuming and annoying. But we enjoyed some ramen together and it was nice… even if he kept pulling out his fashion magazine to read constantly.

We also had a visitor at the island’s campsite this week. Rhonda looked a little stuck up for me but then she called me “bigfoot” which really sealed the deal. No room at the inn, Rhonda! Enjoy your visit because you won’t be back!

Redd parked his trawler out back again this week and while I now have all the artwork for the museum, he does sell a couple of regular furniture items so I do still like to check it out. And sometimes he’ll have things I’ve never seen before. Or sometimes an item of a different color or style. This time he had a rescue dummy and I simply had to have it! I know he overcharges, but I’ve never seen this in Nook’s Cranny so I splurged. And I know it’s kind of morbid but I thought it was kind of hilarious to lay it on the beach right in front of the lifeguard chair!

Later in the week, Roald said that Francine was making fun of him for saying “darling” all the time. Now, I happen to think that catchphrase is great because it helps soften his annoying jock behavior. But he seemed particularly upset about it so I figured I’d help him out and pick something a little more macho… but still kind of gay! I’m a giver.

