Wootini’s Weekly Animal Crossing Diary 7/22/23

Chris Eades
4 min readJul 22, 2023


Dear Diary,

This week wasn’t as exciting as last week because despite my best efforts I couldn’t catch any new fish or bugs. Heck, I never even see the bugs I need to catch! But it was still a busy week with a lot going on so let’s not waste any more time!

I checked in on Sasha only to find him under the weather. Summer colds are the worst. I gave him some medicine and he thanked me with a fitness tank. Which is literally what I’m already wearing right now. But he’s sick so I guess I can forgive him for not realizing!

While out late at night looking for fish and bugs I still need for the museum, I ran into Wisp. And of course, he blew away into all those tiny wisps that I had to go around and collect. Not that I minded doing it, because I was also on the hunt for some bugs (that I didn’t find, obviously).

I did find it amusing that one of Wisp’s spirit pieces found its way to the outdoor disco. Hated to interrupt its fun night out, but I had work to do!

After all this time, I have so many items in my inventory, when Wisp gives the option for something expensive or something new, I always go for the something new. Because I’m likely to already have the expensive item. This time I got a schefflera. Which turned out to be a kind of tree. Not even going to try to pronounce that, though!

This week, Coco told me she was thinking about moving out. And since I hate feeling like a jailer, I let her go since I now have her photo. I’ll be sad to see her go, though. Initially I found her kind of creepy, but she won me over pretty quickly and now I’m going to miss her weird face.

I was also surprised to learn a new recipe. I came across Renée making a fancy mum wreath, and she gave me a copy of the DIY recipe. It’s another one of those simple recipes that I would have thought I’d gotten ages ago, but go figure — this one I didn’t have!

I found a book on the ground and was told it was Apple’s, but it took me so long to find Apple wandering around that she was already desperate to get her autograph book back. Weirdly, she wouldn’t let me give it to her right away. I had to talk to her again before she’d listen to me and let me return her autograph book. She gave me a layered tank as a thank you, but it’s the thought that counts, really.

After Coco moved out, we had a camper at the campsite. I wondered if it might be someone I’d like to try to get to move into the empty slot, but it wasn’t. Not that Anicotti would have been a terrible new neighbor, but I just didn’t feel like it was worth the effort to try and invite her. Also, because often when I try to invite someone to move to the island they refuse. Or they consider it but I have to win a game to make it happen. Both of which are annoying.

Not that it really mattered in the end, because the very next day, there was a sold sign on the plot of land where Coco used to live and a pile of building materials. So I guess next week I’ll tell you what I think of my new neighbor, Kitt!



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