Wootini’s Weekly Animal Crossing Diary 7/1/23
Dear Diary,
I actually did a couple things this week that I haven’t done in ages, so there’s really quite a bit to cover. Let’s get to it!
Things kicked off with the June Bug-Off, and I haven’t been around for one of these in quite a while. Since I only have silver trophies for the bug and fish tournaments, I figured I might as well dive in and catch some bugs and get some points! Unfortunately, there was no gold trophy in the mail the next day, and redeeming my points only got me a toy cockroach and an artisanal bug cage, both of which I already have from way back.
I was actually up and out early enough on Sunday to run into Daisy Mae. I’m usually a sleep late on the weekends and get around to things whenever but this week, I realized it was early so I went to find her and buy some turnips. I forgot that when you buy turnips, you get a recipe in the mail the next day. And I got one for turnip salad, which is new to me. Not that I’ll ever make it — yuck — but it’s always fun to add to my collection!
We also had a camper, and I have to say that I was slightly sad that there was no space for Nibbles to move into because she seems pretty cool. Oh well!
Then I ran into Coco, who asked me if I wanted to go treasure hunting. I was very excited to play and even more excited to win because this is usually how I can get someone’s picture. It’s happened before! And sure enough, when I found the treasure she’d buried, it was Coco’s picture! Score!
So I was a bit taken aback when Monday’s turnip price was 139. It seemed too soon for it to spike that high. I was slightly tempted to wait and see if it would go up more, and even considered only selling some of the turnips I had bought, but went ahead and sold the lot anyway. And good thing I did, too, because the price went way down and never came back up! Phew!
I went to hang Coco’s picture and of course, as soon as I start trying to redecorate my house, someone comes and knocks on the door. And because I was in the main room, there was no way to hide and wait for them to go away. It was Sherb, who is always a delight, but not when I’m trying to decorate!
But eventually, I got Coco’s picture hung on the wall. I remember when she first moved to the island I thought she was super creepy looking. Then only slightly creepy looking. Now I actually think she’s adorable and I enjoy her quite a bit. Who would’ve thought!
One day I was walking through the plaza and I found my boyfriend, Lopez, sitting on a bench having coffee with Sasha. Now, this isn’t the first time I’ve seen these two hanging out together, so I’m starting to get a little jealous here… Sasha had better watch his step or I’ll boot him off this island so fast he won’t even have time to pack!
Later in the week, Genji was back on his old crap about moving away. Like that’s ever going to happen. As I’ve always said, he and Lopez are the ones who can never, ever leave. Just get that through your thick skull and settle in. You’re here for the duration. Sorry!
At the end of the week, I found a missing bag and I first asked Renée if it was hers. When she said no, I was disappointed, but then she thought it looked like Apollo’s so I was happy again. I love doing favors for my new neighbors to help cement our friendship. And Apollo is an old pal from way, way back in the day. So I’m always happy to reaffirm that friendship! Even if it’s just by finding the bag he dropped on the ground!