Wootini’s Weekly Animal Crossing Diary 6/6/20

Chris Eades
5 min readJun 6, 2020


Dear Diary,

As June kicked off, it meant a new resident, a new home remodel, a new holiday, and new discoveries. Let’s not waste any more time!

I was in a better mood and let K.K. Slider pick again, and he selected “Café K.K.” for his concert performance. Weirdly, I totally thought I already had this song, but I didn’t. It would be nice if when you let K.K. pick what to sing, he wouldn’t sing something you already have in your record collection. Because that would be annoying. Like all the annoying duplicate DIY recipes!

Once again, the empty plot was sold before a camper could even show up on the island to invite to stay. I suppose I could have spent some Nook Miles to visit some rando mini-islands in the hopes of running into somebody cool. But in the end, it didn’t matter because Shari moved in and she’s pretty awesome. I remember her from my last town, but I guess her time in Staten just erased me from her memory because she doesn’t remember me at all!

It was also Keaton’s birthday, and I bought him a surfboard as a present, which he seemed rather pleased with. And not the fake “oh, what a nice gift (that I’ll sell later)” pleased. This appeared genuine. I also enjoyed watching him dance around his house to the birthday music while wearing that ridiculous birthday hat. He acts all stoic but inside, Keaton is just a big goof!

The beginning of June also brought the beginning of wedding season. Harvey called me over to his island where he was supposed to be doing a photo shoot with Reese and Cyrus. Naturally, he pawned the work off on me, and I gave it my best shot.

Reese wanted to recreate their wedding ceremony. They provided some scenery, like the walls, floor, rug, bench, and flowers. I didn’t really think that was enough but wasn’t sure what of mine to add, so I just threw a shell arch behind them and some bamboo lanterns on either side. It needs to be pink and white to make Reese happy! She seemed pleased with this photo, and gave me some heart crystals which I can use to buy the special wedding furniture from Cyrus. He also gave me a free wedding bench for doing the shoot for them.

June 1 was a seriously busy day because it was also my friend Ben’s birthday so I went over to his island where he had a whole bunch of people over to celebrate. I joined in the K.K. Slider birthday concert, though it was hard to hear him. I also realized I forgot to bring a present, so I mailed him a green surfboard when I got home. Nook’s Cranny is supposed to start stocking seasonal items, but so far it’s just been the same green surfboard every single day of the week. A little variety would be nice!

Lopez has been getting extra friendly and calling me his best friend, so I was super psyched when he blurted out “I LOVE YOU!” at the top of his lungs. Turns out he was just demonstrating the “Showmanship” reaction but I still think he meant it…

The first few days of June were also a flurry of new fish and bugs being caught. I was quite excited to catch a great white shark randomly. It wasn’t even raining or nighttime! The problem is, I’ve caught some rare fish, but only the one time to donate to the museum. The rest of the time I keep catching the regular garbage so I can’t rake in the bells.

Mom sent me a letter that read: “My dear Chris, Fireflies light up the night sky, taking my mind off the stresses of the day. As I watch, amazed and distracted, the mosquitoes make their move. I’m terribly itchy. — Mom” Enclosed with the letter was Mom’s homemade apron, which is super cute! Just the thing to war around the kitchen when I’m cooking. Thanks, mom!

There are these shiny blue shells called “summer shells” washing up on the beaches now, and I’ve gotten a couple of recipes that use them. I made this shell wreath, but then I decided to remodel my house and it really doesn’t go with the new exterior. Oh well. I’ll put it in storage for later in case I remodel again and it does go with the front door again. I was surprised remodeling was only 5,000 bells. I was honestly expecting more, since Tom Nook jacks up the prices on everything the further you go. Oh, I also got an underwater floor recipe, but when I crafted it, I realized I didn’t have anywhere to put it. Oh well, into storage as well!

I went back a couple more times to do more photo shoots for Reese and Cyrus. The reception photo I joined them in my shiniest purple jacket, but I couldn’t add any more guests to the setup. Then the next time, Reese wanted another ceremony picture, but Cyrus had offered some more items like the candles and standing flowers. So I added some tables for the candles, some statues, and I stood in as the minister for them. She really liked that one! This is supposed to run all month so I’m not sure how much longer it’ll stay interesting. At some point they’ll just start repeating things and there won’t be any new furniture to change up the set. But maybe at the end, Reese and Cyrus will open up a Re-Tail shop on my island if I make them happy enough. We’ll see!



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