Wootini’s Weekly Animal Crossing Diary 6/5/21

Chris Eades
4 min readJun 5, 2021


Dear Diary,

This week Xanadu said goodbye to one of our friends and while I attempted to invite another, we ended up with another random newbie! Plus, I got a present, ordered a little something for myself that wasn’t so little after all, and more!

So on the first day of June, I got a call from Harvey asking me to pop over to his island to help take some pictures of a lovely couple. The thing is, I don’t know if it’s worth the effort because I took pictures of Reese and Cyrus last year and got some nice furniture for my efforts, but if its just going to be the same rewards, I don’t know if I’ll bother. I suppose I should probably check it out just to be on the safe side. Maybe next week… I’ve got all month!

I also had a letter from mom that read: “My dear Chris, Fireflies light up the night sky, taking my mind off the stresses of the day. As I watch, amazed and distracted, the mosquitoes make their move. I’m terribly itchy. — Mom” Enclosed was Mom’s handmade apron, but it was a different design than the one she sent me last year. I actually like this quilted pattern a lot more than the other one. Nice work Mom!

Bea told me she was daydreaming of living on another island and I wished her well. She’s an adorable little pupper, but I never really got too attached to her during her stay on Xanadu. But I made sure to say goodbye to her before she left.

I’d been collecting Queen Alexandra’s birdwings so I could have three of them to give to Flick the next time I saw him and have him make me a sculpture of it. I’m thinking I might like to have a bunch of butterfly sculptures to put around the island as decoration. They might look a little weird in the wintertime covered in snow, but we’ll see what happens.

The thing is, I wasn’t expecting the sculpture to be that big! Yikes! I put it in my back yard, and the next day I left my house and wandered over that way and was like, “WHAT THE HECK IS THAT?!” Flick’s sculpture is so lifelike it scared me. So I’m thinking I might not want to have this one in my yard… maybe somewhere else on the island. Scare others instead!

The day after Bea left, Weber was visiting at the campsite, and I chatted him up over and over again trying to convince him to move here. And no not just because he was wearing the same shirt as me. He was just dopey and cute like Sherb and Clay. Unfortunately, he just blathered on about camping and twice we played a card game. That’s about it. Oh well!

And then literally the next day, the plot was already sold to someone named Cherry. Hope they’re not annoying! Although I am glad to see that Xanadu is popular again. Available plots used to get snatched up right quick before, but the last couple of people that moved out, I noticed they remained empty and unsold for a disturbingly long amount of time. Xanadu is back, baby!

Also, Isabelle mentioned summer shells during her announcement at the very end of the week and I was pleasantly surprised to shoot down a green balloon and find a summer shell rug DIY inside! Just like with the other seasonal DIYs, this will likely be the only one I get all summer, but I guess one is better than none, right? (Not that I’ve seen any actual summer shells washed up on the beach yet…)



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