Wootini’s Weekly Animal Crossing Diary 6/18/22

Chris Eades
3 min readJun 18, 2022


Dear Diary,

This was a momentous week on Xanadu! We welcomed a new neighbor, I learned some new things, but most importantly, I finished another section of the museum! Go me!

So Ace moved into Harry’s empty plot of land, and as usual for new residents, they’re always off wandering around the first few days. But later in the week, I found him at home so I could see how he decorates. And it’s all just boring green ranch furniture. I don’t think it suits him at all. But hey, to each their own!

Sasha kicked off the week by teaching me how to make a pear tart, but that was the only cooking recipe I learned this time around. Lopez was cooking a lot this week, but it was all stuff I already knew.

However, I did find a bottle on the beach with a DIY recipe for stacked senmaizuke barrels. Of course, I’ve still never gotten out of bed early enough on a Sunday to buy turnips so I can even make one senmaizuke barrel, let alone the few I’d need to stack! Later in the week, I found another bottle which contained a DIY recipe for a golden gear apparatus. At some point I really should try making all this golden stuff. I bet my HRA score would go through the roof! (pun intended)

We had a camper this week, and while Ken was pretty intimidating at first sight, I think he might actually be pretty cool. Shame there was no empty space for him to move to Xanadu so I could find out!

Towards the end of the week, I was absolutely stunned when it appeared that Redd was selling the detailed painting that I needed to complete the art collection in the Xanadu museum. I hoped and prayed it was genuine and to my delight, it was!

Now the Xanadu Museum has on display Ajisai Sokeizu by Ito Jakuchu. And thus, the art section is complete. That took forever!

That also meant that I got a framed art poster in the mail the next day from Blathers to commemorate my achievement. It’s a very cool montage of all the art in the museum. Still need to finish the bugs and fish, but I have never been able to do that in any of the villages where I’ve lived. I’m just too lazy! Still, I should probably check and see what I’m missing and see about maybe trying to get those. It would be nice to actually finish those sections for the first time ever…



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