Wootini’s Weekly Animal Crossing Diary 6/1/24
Dear Diary,
Pretty short entry this week as not a whole lot happened. But what did happen was big doings!
First of all, I was pleased to see that Apollo was wearing my Eurovision 2024 shirt I designed. I had displayed it in the store in the hopes of other residents perhaps wearing it in time for the show but I waited too long and there wasn’t enough time to get people into it. And now it’s too late. But it’s still nice to know that if you display a design in the shop, some folks might take a liking to it and wear it themselves. On the other hand, as much as I appreciate Apollo supporting my amateur designing, he wanted to move away and I decided it was okay to let him go.
Even though we just had shooting stars last week, I happened to see Celeste having a cup of coffee in Brewster’s during the day and went back later that evening to find her and sure enough, she was wandering around enjoying the stars. I got a DIY recipe for a tulip wand, which is pretty useless for me, but worse, even though the sky was crystal clear, I never saw a single shooting star! Rude.
Apollo is an old friend from way back and I have always enjoyed the cranky so-and-so. But I’m trying to be less of a jailer and let some residents move away once I have their picture. And I’ve had his for a while. Plus, I’ve got Camofrog who moved in right next door to Apollo to pick up the cranky old man slack. Thanks for being my neighbor again, Apollo! It was awesome!
Robin told me she and Ace had a falling out, and asked if I would deliver an apology gift to him on her behalf. Naturally, I said yes. I mean, I always deliver the gifts no matter what, but in this case, I was actually happy to do it because I’m still working on cementing my friendships with both Robin and Ace. She gave him some warrior armor, which Ace seemed pleased with, and he rewarded me with his baby-chick costume, which is just weird. So still no pictures yet, but I had to have made some progress, right?