Wootini’s Weekly Animal Crossing Diary 5/30/20

Chris Eades
4 min readMay 30, 2020


Dear Diary,

This week I made a few accomplishments and also helped smooth over a disagreement between two of my neighbors. Although I’m not sure it worked because one of them moved away right after!

This week I decided to request the song that was for sale in the Nook Stop machine to save a few thousand bells. I mean, K.K. Slider was sitting right outside, so why waste the money? And it turned out “K.K. Western” sounded better live, anyway!

I know Sherb loves his snacks, but surely he could do better than comparing me to a potato… I know I’ve put on some weight lately, but that’s a bit rude. Still, I didn’t want to hurt his feelings (and didn’t feel like coming up with anything better) so I told him to go ahead and use the nickname “spud.”

I was very excited to finally get the missing piece of the Diplodocus fossil for the museum. I checked all the exhibits and it appears I’m just missing two of the three pieces to the Iguanodon. So basically every day I sell all the fossils I find because they’re duplicates. I know I could ask for my friends to trade so I can complete this part of the museum, but part of me wants to do it on my own. Like I always say, there’s no rush!

I don’t know if I’ve mentioned this before, but just like in my last town, my neighbors sometimes lose things. Although here, the community seems to be a bit more tight-knit because if I ask someone if the lost item is theirs and it isn’t, they always seem to know who it belongs to. Which is a lot easier than before where you had to literally check with everyone until you got lucky and guessed right!

I learned four new reactions this week. Sorrow, as you can see here, plus laughter, fearful, and encouraging. I haven’t checked but I think I might have about half of them so far. There are quite a lot!

When I saw that Naomi looked worried about something, I checked on her and she admitted she and Lopez had a fight. She’d gotten him something to make up for it and asked if I would deliver it for her. This is the first time in this town that anyone has asked me to do a favor like this so I was more than happy to oblige.

I’ve gotta admit, Lopez was a little bitchy when I told him Naomi had gotten him a present. He wondered aloud what it might be and added, “not that it matters.” Rude. Inside was a sprite costume which I thought actually looked kind of ridiculous but since he was being bitchy I told him it looked great. He seemed to feel bad and admitted he should apologize to Naomi. Then he gave me a striped tank to say thanks for the help. But as always, I don’t do this for the presents, I do it to keep the peace!

Unfortunately, I don’t think Lopez’s apology did the trick because a couple days later, Naomi told me she was thinking about moving away. I enjoyed her, but never got too attached, so I wished her well and she was packing up the very next day. Now we see if I can get a cool camper to invite before someone random buys that plot of land. Actually, I should probably use some Nook Miles to visit some other islands and see if I can run into someone cool.

I paid off my back room this week so Nook offered to expand my house again, this time adding an attic. The price tag of over 1.2 million bells was staggering, but I reminded myself that there’s no time limit on paying it back, so I agreed to the extortion. At least the attic is large, so that’s something. And it’s more storage for all the random clothing items that I can’t resist buying even though I hardly ever wear them. Gotta have something for every mood!



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