Wootini’s Weekly Animal Crossing Diary 5/23/20
Dear Diary,
This was a big week for the museum, but unfortunately, it was also a bit of a missed opportunity. Oh well! I also had some good luck, discovered some new things, and kept a pal from moving away. Read on!
So I decided to check online and see what might be a good song to request this week instead of letting K.K. pick based on my mood or his own whims. I went with “Animal City,” which is only available by special request. He won’t play it otherwise! Unfortunately, it was just kind of meh. Oh well!
I don’t know if I’ve mentioned this before, but on the island, you can learn reactions so you can express yourself to others. They can be happy, sad, shy, angry, confused, and everything in between. This week, I learned “distress” and “thought.” Both good ones. They’re fun when you have friends over and also help make photos more interesting.
This week kicked off a Stamp Rally that is supposed to run for a week or so in honor of International Museum Day. Basically, in the fossil, fish, and bug areas of the museum are three stamp stations each. You visit each one, get a stamp, and then return to Blathers for his final stamp of approval to prove you found them all. They’re not hard to find. Even in the fish and bug areas that can get a little make-like the deeper you go. And for each stamp card you complete, you get a prize.
Your prizes are these fossil, bug, and fish plaques. They’re okay, I guess. But I wouldn’t have expected a particularly extravagant prize given that finding the stamp stations and collecting all three wasn’t particularly hard. I did get slightly excited the following day when Blathers said that the stamp stations were all now in different locations so you can play again, but that fizzled out when I then learned that the prizes are always the same. And then a friend told me that the plaques only sell for 300 bells at Nook’s so it’s honestly not worth the effort. But I guess it was worth doing the one time to get the plaques just to say you did it.
This week, Redd finally came back and after closely examining everything, it appeared that the Worthy Painting was the only genuine work of art he was trying to flog this time. I got seriously burned last week, but I figured let’s give it another shot. Thankfully, this copy of Liberty Leading the People by Eugéne Delacroix was the real thing. Phew! I do wish Redd would sail by more often because the art section of the museum is rather big and it’s still so very empty. The art is my favorite part of the museum, honestly.
This week was the first time that Isabelle gave notice of a meteor shower during her announcements. I’ve had Celeste tell me to look at the sky at night and also had some shooting stars fly by completely at random on a clear night. So once the sun went down I started wishing and even invited a couple friends over so they could do the same. And also get a DIY recipe off of Celeste, who was wandering around enjoying the show. My friend did tell me that one time he made a lot of wishes and the next day only got about 20–30 star fragments, so it’s not worth spending hours trying to wish on stars. That’s good to know. I’ve got other things to do, you know!
Celeste gives out different DIY recipes to everyone, but while I was jealous of Ben’s lunar rover, I was kind of psyched to get the ability to make a moon. It looks pretty cool, and I think this will become a special lunar surface section of the island…
I also ran across Gulliver for the first time in a while and dug up the five components for his busted phone so he could call for help. And then he sent me this sombrero. I’m getting a little bored of all the hats, and wish he’d send some cool sculptures or monuments like before, but I guess those will show up eventually. Just gotta be patient.
As you can see in the previous photo, I changed the doorplate on my house after getting the iron doorplate DIY recipe. I just liked the way it looked. So I gave my old heart doorplate to Apple because I thought she would like it. And much to my delight, she hung it on her front door the very next day! Yay! I had heard they won’t hang up items you gift them on their walls, so I wasn’t sure about the doorplates. But it turns out they will! Fun!
At the end of the week, I found Keaton deep in thought and when I asked him what was up, he told me he was thinking about looking for new opportunities elsewhere. I was slightly tempted, but I have actually come to enjoy Keaton so I decided to ask him to stick around a bit longer. It’s tricky on the island because before, they’d come running up to you to let you know they were thinking of moving. Now, you have to really pay attention to notice that someone is deep in thought. Of course, sometimes they’re just thinking about nicknames or catchphrases or giving you a present, but once in a while they want to move. So if it’s someone you really like, you want to stay on top of that!