Wootini’s Weekly Animal Crossing Diary 4/8/23
Dear Diary,
This was a big week on Xanadu! Sure, I kept a friend from moving (after doing them a big favor) and learned a little something new, but more importantly, I completed another one of my collections! And it’s one that I’ve never completed before! Go me! (Oh, and it’s also time for my most hated of holidays…)
It’s a new month, and a new present from Mom! This was the cherry blossom letter where she enjoys the sight of the petals blowing in the wind… until her allergies are activated. Guess that’s where I got my allergies from! She included another Mom’s tissue box, and this was a pretty colorful quilt pattern. So out it goes… because I’m going to need those tissues all spring… and probably into summer!
The island is full of cherry blossoms and they’re just lovely, but I never get any new DIY recipes to make anything with them so I don’t bother collecting them. Zipper T. Bunny showed up to warn me that Bunny Day is coming and to collect all the special eggs I could. The problem is that I’ve already crafted everything so I don’t really care about this holiday. And what makes it worse is that now when I do my daily rounds to clean up Xanadu by picking weeds, collecting fallen branches, and digging up fossils, most of those ugly holes in the ground are earth eggs and not fossils. It’s so much extra work, and for nothing, because I don’t need earth eggs. And it’s going to go on all week! Oh, I can’t wait for Bunny Day to come and go…
I found a bag that I was told belonged to Robin, but I couldn’t find her anywhere. I eventually found her in the museum checking out fossils, and was finally able to return her purse. In exchange I got a painter’s coverall. Still no picture yet.
I saw Celeste hanging out in The Roost enjoying some coffee to keep her up all night to watch the stars, so I made a point of going back out that evening to find her. And much to my delight, she was right in my back yard again, so it was super easy! She gave me a DIY recipe for a yellow star rug. Although I never saw any shooting stars. Just Celeste. But at least I got a new recipe!
While I was waiting to see if there would be any shooting stars, I decided to go for a dive because according to my list, the spider crab I still need for my collection was only available during March and April. And very quickly I saw a big shadow that was quick to elude me. But I kept at it and eventually caught it! And as a bonus, it was the spider crab I was looking for! It’s enormous!
I quickly brought the spider crab to the museum where Blathers told me a little about it and then congratulated me on collecting all of the sea creatures! In all my years living in these towns and donating fish and bugs to the museum, I have never ever been able to finish a collection. There are always at least a few super rare specimens that I just never manage to get. (To be fair, I barely ever try that hard…) But the sea creatures were much easier, apparently!
This meant I got the sea creature poster to adorn my wall along with the art and fossil ones I got for completing those collections. I know there are fewer sea creatures than bugs or fish, but I’m still very proud of myself!
I went to visit Lopez one day this week and found Sasha hanging out at his place. I don’t know if I should be jealous or not… all I will say is that Sasha had better watch his step!
Later in the week, Robin admitted she was going to move away. Seriously? After I just returned your purse to you the other day? Come on! No, you’re not going anywhere. Not yet, anyway!
All the regular DIY recipes I found in bottles or saw my friends making at home were duplicates until the end of the week when I found Genji making a mixed-fruits sandwich. He happily gave me a copy of the recipe so I could make my own but… yeah, I don’t think that’s ever going to happen. A mixed-fruits sandwich? Gross…
Closing out the week, Gulliver washed ashore and I decided to give him a hand. I hope I get something good this time because I actually had a little trouble digging up his communicator parts. Took longer than usual. Do the right thing, Gulliver! (But we’ll have to wait until next week to find out what he sends me in the mail!)