Wootini’s Weekly Animal Crossing Diary 4/6/19
Dear Diary,
This week brought April Fool’s Day, so things in Geneva were even sillier than usual!
Mom sent me this letter with a yellow-lily bag, and I guess she was trying to save those lilies from being murdered by her? Well, unfortunately, I’ve inherited her brown thumb, so they might not have any better luck with me! Sorry, Mom!
I decided to ditch the balloon hat and change my hair. Unfortunately, I ended up with the exact same cut as I had before, just in a different color. I also meant to get a bright, light blue for spring, but ended up with this dark blue. But I kind of like it so I’m probably going to keep it for a while.
I was chatting with Pippy and she told me she had a big secret to spill. Naturally, I told her I could keep a secret no problem because otherwise she wouldn’t share!
At first I thought this was one of the most elaborate reasons to move away from town I’ve ever heard, but then I realized what day it was. Of course, I still agreed to help Princess Pippy fight back against the evil space rabbits!
Although I have to say that Pippy may not actually be clear on what a joke is.
Also, you’ll notice that the cherry blossoms are in full bloom all over town. It looks so pretty. All week I kept waiting for them to fall because that’s when it’s super beautiful, but it hasn’t happened yet. Maybe next week?
Monty was the only one who tried to move away this week, which honestly makes me kind of nervous. As I’ve said before, when two or three people don’t try to leave, I get suspicious that someone is going to move and didn’t tell me. And if no one tries to leave, I really start freaking out!
If I would actually let someone leave town, then we could have someone new, like Static here, who was camping at the end of the week. He seems like he would fit in nicely in Geneva. Even though his obsession with peaches is a little… odd.