Wootini’s Weekly Animal Crossing Diary 4/3/21

Chris Eades
4 min readApr 3, 2021


Dear Diary,

Well, it’s the most annoying time of the year, made slightly more annoying because now there’s no point to it. At least not for me! I also played matchmaker and made a new friend but immediately regretted it because I could have made an even cooler one! Dangit!

It’s time for Bunny Day once again, and in the week leading up to it, I end up digging up a whole bunch of Earth Eggs along with the fossils while trying to clean up my island. But what’s even worse is that apparently there are no new DIY recipes to find this year. So I’ve already crafted everything, meaning I’m not really going to participate in Bunny Day this year. Not that I mind, seeing as how Zipper T. Bunny gives me the absolute creeps!

I think I may have played matchmaker for Sherb and Clay. Sherb looked preoccupied so I asked what was up and he told me he had bought a gift for Clay but asked me if I would deliver it for him. I guess he’s shy. So I brought the present over to Clay’s house and it turned out to be a teal track jacket that totally matched the color in his ears. So perfect! Sherb knows what he’s doing! I hope these two kids can make it work!

So Ava moved in, and immediately I can tell we’re not going to be BFFs. There’s nothing wrong with her, necessarily, but she’s like a mom. I’ve already got one of those.

I was happy to see Bea standing in the plaza singing a song, because lately Shari is the only one I see doing that. And what’s even more perfect is that immediately after I walked away from the plaza, I caught Shari changing into her red sequined jacket to go over and stand next to Bea to harmonize with her! A little concert for everyone! Love it!

A couple days after Ava moved in, we had a camper, and Shep seemed so cool I wanted him on my island. Unfortunately, when I suggested it, he said Resident Services told him to talk to Shari, who would probably be willing to move out so he could move in. Crap! I have to admit I was slightly tempted, but I honestly wasn’t willing to give up the one monkey I have on my island. And unfortunately, he doesn’t offer to ask anyone else. Because there are people I would have been willing to see go for Shep, but not Shari. Darnit!

On April 1, I got a gift from Mom again, this time another tissue box. But it was a different design that I liked better than the quilted one she sent last year, so I put this one out instead. Her letter was exactly the same one she sent last year, which I gotta say is a bit lazy. Put some effort into it, Mom!

I got a notification that I’d done my 100th favor for my friends, which gave me the title keywords for “Exalted Savior.” I like it! Heh heh!

Oh, just because there are no new Bunny Day DIYs to find and craft, it doesn’t mean there’s nothing new for this year’s holiday. There were some new items available for purchase from Nook‘s Cranny, like the window box planter, the tree, the lawn decoration, and the topiary. Oh, and there’s some chocolate candies on the table in the back of this pic. Which I guess is better than new DIYs that I would never be able to find. There are cherry blossoms now but I doubt I’ll get more than one or two cherry blossom recipes before that season comes to a close… I never do.



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