Wootini’s Weekly Animal Crossing Diary 4/27/19
Dear Diary,
There were a bunch of holidays this past week in Geneva, but as it turns out, I actually missed one of them! That hardly ever happens! I’m so embarrassed! So this week’s entry isn’t as long as it should have been… though there’s still a lot going on!
Things kicked off with Monty trying to move away again. Naturally, I asked him to stick around and keep causing trouble in Geneva. I went through a lot of effort to get him to move here from my friend’s town, so I really don’t want him going anywhere.
Speaking of other towns, Quillson asked me to help get signatures for his petition, and even though I’m totally behind his cause of good hair for everyone, the train just doesn’t go anywhere else anymore. It’s a shame, because that was always a fun part of living in this town. But there aren’t a whole lot of other towns out there to visit these days. Sigh.
Monday was Nature Day, and coincidentally, I noticed that I had a lot of wilting flowers around town. Very quickly I came to realize why that was — I actually forgot to visit town on Sunday! That hardly ever happens. I guess I just figured I must have visited and didn’t realize I hadn’t. But I would have definitely remembered this particular Sunday as it was Bunny Day. Not that I actually participate in Bunny Day because dealing with all those eggs is kind of a pain in the butt, but I always remember encountering Zipper T. Bunny in his creepy costume! (Oh, also, Isabelle was passing out cool globes again for Nature Day this year. No biggie.)
While visiting Pippy, she reminded me that it was time to dig up her time capsule, so I popped back outside to go get it for her. Inside was a jungle-camo tee and a letter which read: “To the me who gives her all, Who will wear this style? I have no idea! Will it be me? Or someone else? Will it still be stylish? Of course! Any style I used to wear will ALWAYS be great! Never quit! — Pippy.”
Guess she didn’t think the jungle-camo tee was stylish enough for her to wear herself, though, because Pippy decided to just give it to me as a thank-you gift for helping her with the time capsule. I put it on because I didn’t want to wear my bunny shirt anymore, since Bunny Day had come and gone. Also, it’s time for short sleeves!
I saw Tiffany strolling around in the rain and thought it felt like we hadn’t had a good gossip in a while, so I went over to chat. And it turns out I was right — we hadn’t spoken in a week! Oops! But if Tiffany and I were in a fight, she’d know about it!
Butch also tried to move away this week, and just days after I returned his bag of baby shoes to him. So ungrateful, these animals. I mean, really. I am constantly doing them favors and giving them the best town ever to live in, and how do they react? By trying to run away every week. Sigh.
At the end of the week, there was another holiday, but Weeding Day is not as much fun as it is work. And while I usually keep my town extremely well maintained, it turns out this year I actually had some work to do.
I actually started with four weeds, but didn’t get a good photo of that moment. I couldn’t believe it, either. I found one of them very easily, which meant that I had no choice but to scour every inch of Geneva for those other three weeds because they were hidden behind trees, bushes, among flowers, and whatnot. The obvious ones I pull as I see them. So these were the ones that weren’t as obvious, and it took me quite a while to track every one of them down.
But eventually I managed to find that last, annoying weed and yank it out of the ground, beautifying Geneva once more. Which meant that I got a nice reward from Leif. And after he gave it to me, he added that he also had another gift for anyone from another town who had helped me pull weeds, but as I’ve mentioned before, Geneva doesn’t get any visitors anymore, so Leif shouldn’t even have bothered bringing that particular gift with him.
This, year, the reward for successful weeding was this lovely lily record player. Lief said it was handmade by him, and if that’s true, he’s an extremely talented artist. It’s really quite nice. Of course, instead of playing something lovely on it, I put on K.K. Funk!