Wootini’s Weekly Animal Crossing Diary 4/16/22

Chris Eades
5 min readApr 16, 2022


Dear Diary,

Ugh. It’s the most annoying time of year again. But we’ll get through it again. We always do!

I waited until the evening to do my rounds so I could get a performance from K.K. Slider, but when I saw the leftover equipment from the fishing tourney still in the plaza waiting to be picked up I realized K.K. Slider would not be appearing until tomorrow. Oops! But on the plus side, I got a DIY recipe for some golden plate armor in a bottle on the beach! Oh, and when I went back on Sunday evening, I changed my mind and decided not to request anything after all since I already have his entire catalog. Why be a nuisance if I’m not really in the mood for something?

As you know I’m very diligent about collecting all the fallen branches and weeds as well as digging up all the fossils I see so we don’t have ugly marks on the ground. Unfortunately, when I dug up an earth egg instead of a dinosaur piece, I let out a heavy sigh. At least I’m not trying to fish for anything so I get annoyed at catching all the water eggs. But the earth eggs are going to piss me off for a week.

Because yes, it’s that time of year again. Creepy Zipper T. Bunny showed up on my island to warn me that things are going to get really annoying with stupid eggs everywhere for the next week leading up to Bunny Day. Aargh. Bunny Day is literally the worst. And it’s extra annoying now because there’s no new DIY recipes to get so there’s no reason to want to even collect any eggs so when you get eggs it’s just a pain and you sell them right off. I wonder if I can manage to completely avoid Zipper when Bunny Day rolls around next week?

I found Apple making some fruit salad and when she shared the recipe with me I would have totally sworn I already had it. But to my surprise, I didn’t! Yum. Fruit salad! And later in the week, Harry taught me how to make some cherry jam. Also yum! Fruit is tasty!

Thanks to a friend who gave me Ace’s card, I was able to call up my dear old friend who I haven’t seen since I lived back in that GameCube town so long ago. He was my BFF back in the day, so it was great to see him again. Although I didn’t remember him being an annoying jock back then. Maybe the jocks weren’t as annoying back then? Anyway, I look forward to inviting him to live on Xanadu… eventually. There’s a queue now!

I think Lopez caught wind of me having coffee with my old BFF, Ace, because a couple days later, he told me he was thinking about moving away. Seriously?!? Naturally, I shut that down and told him he wasn’t going anywhere. I may be eager to get Sasha to move in here, but not at the cost of my boyfriend, Lopez! Never Lopez!

One day this week I saw Celeste having a cup of coffee in The Roost so I hoped she was once again just killing time before coming out to see the stars at night. And thankfully, I was right! Although it was kind of odd to me that she was here when there were no shooting stars at all. And I waited a while, too. Didn’t see a single one. But I got the coolest DIY recipe, though!

I was able to craft a lunar rover to add to my little space corner of the island! Yay! I was a little concerned when the recipe called for old tires. I knew I had plenty of iron and star fragments. But I wasn’t about to go fishing for old tires… not during Bunny week when all I would get are stupid eggs! Thankfully, I had a bunch of old tires in storage, knowing that they are occasionally useful for crafting. Phew!

Then, at the very end of the week, Flick showed up again so I was finally able to give him the three common bluebottles that I’d been holding onto for weeks. I should probably check to see if there are any other butterflies I don’t have models of. This is the season to catch them!



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