Wootini’s Weekly Animal Crossing Diary 4/15/23

Chris Eades
3 min readApr 15, 2023


Dear Diary,

This was a nice and quiet week on Xanadu. Sure, we had a couple of big events, but I missed one and purposefully avoided the other! Ahhh…

So remember at the end of last week’s entry when I helped out Gulliver? Well, he rewarded me with another tam o’shanter hat. And it’s a color I didn’t already have. And as a bonus, it’s the best color! I should see if I have a kilt to put together a little Scottish outfit… although I don’t know what to wear for a shirt…

When I saw the reminder about the Fishing Tourney, I made a mental note to make sure to do it, and even thought about it the day before. But when the actual day came? Totally slipped my mind. I didn’t leave my house until after 6 when it was all over. Dangit! How am I gonna get the gold trophy if I don’t remember to participate?

And then it was Bunny Day. The most annoying day of the year, the climax of the most annoying week of the year. Zipper T. Bunny was hippity hopping around the plaza and everyone was dressed in those doofy egg outfits. (Even Lopez can’t pull it off…) And I swear there were twice as many earth eggs buried in the ground that I dug up trying to find the day’s fossils. I honestly should have just skipped them that day and saved myself the aggravation. I’ll have to remember to do that next year…

I also remembered that I had a bunch of kimonos in my closet so I picked one to wear while the cherry blossoms were out. Unfortunately, the day after I changed into this outfit, the cherry blossoms were gone. Sigh. Just my luck!

We also had a camper later in the week, and I was delighted to see it was my old friend, Gabi. She was one of my original neighbors a couple of towns ago and I kept her around the entire time. Unfortunately, there’s no room for her on Xanadu right now. Shame, really. Although I have said I’d rather meet new people instead of reconnecting with old friends. Still, I’m pretty sure I’ve got her card if I want to call her up and invite her in the future…



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