Wootini’s Weekly Animal Crossing Diary 3/6/21

Chris Eades
5 min readMar 6, 2021

Dear Diary,

It’s a new month, so there’s a bunch of new things to see on the island. Also, it started raining at the end of the week for like the last three days straight. It’s a little early for spring showers, though, so I’m not sure what the weather is up to. Better than snow, I suppose! But as opposed to the other towns where I lived and enjoyed the rain because it would water all my wilted flowers for me, here on Xanadu, the flowers never wilt, so all the rain does is cause them to multiply and breed and make a chaotic mess for me to dig up to keep things looking orderly. So… yeah, not a big fan of rain anymore! (Although this week the grass went from sickly brown to almost green, which was nice.)

I know, you’re probably wondering why I requested “K.K. Flamenco” from K.K. Slider this week. Well, it’s one of the songs I don’t already have in my library. Not a big fan of flamenco, but honestly, this didn’t suck. Go figure! I also appreciated having a decent crowd for a change. I always feel a little bad for K.K. when he’s just sitting there jamming for like, one person.

Much to my delight, the Mona Lisa was legit and now I have the most famous painting in the world on display in my museum. Interestingly, there’s another space available in this section which I would assume is where another DaVinci will go. But I’m having a hard time remembering if he has another famous work of art. These two I know, but what is the third?

Apple looked lost in thought so I checked in with her and to my surprise, she was contemplating a new nickname for me. I’m not really sure who I’m supposed to be a “superfan” of, though. Apple? I feel like this nickname was more for her than it was for me! And things got weirder when the very next day, Kiki wanted to use it, too. So now I’m even more confused!

Now that it’s March, there were some new items to buy, like this Pi pie that gave me a good chuckle. I displayed it prominently on the table in my diner but it’s not for eating! It’s for enjoying the pun!

I also got a present from my mom, Mom’s candle set. It came with a letter that read: “My dear Chris, Like a cheap candle, the snow is melting fast, replaced by lovely flowers and plants. Spring sure knows how to make an entrance. Two can play the melting game! — Mom.” It’s just lovely.

I was very confused when I got a notification on my Nook Phone and discovered that I had gotten some Nook Miles for talking to all of my neighbors for a total of 50 days. I probably should have gotten this one a lot sooner, but I don’t talk to everyone every day. I usually miss a few at least. And sometimes I barely talk to anyone! But what really confused me is that I got this notification after talking to literally one person that day. The very first chat I had. So… thanks, I guess?

Gulliver washed ashore this week and the next day he thanked me by sending me this bitchin’ katana. I rearranged a few things in my living room so I could put it in on the mantle for proper display.

Francine always seems so happy I was surprised to learn she was considering moving off the island. I thought she liked it here. To be completely honest, I did consider for a moment letting her go. I mean, she’s adorable and I absolutely love the way she decorated her home, but I’m not like, super attached to her or anything. Still, I asked her to stick around a bit longer because she hasn’t really been here that long. Sorry, Francine — try again in a few weeks and maybe I’ll wish you well instead!

There were a whole lot of brand-new Mario items on sale in the Nook shopping app, but since you can only order five items a day, it took me a few days to gather up everything you see here in this room. I’m on to the clothing items now, like the Princess Peach crown I’m wearing. All this stuff is really cool, and they’re all animated and make fun sound effects. And the warp pipe really works!

Gotta say, Tabby was a little too similar to Cheri from last week with her peppy bundle of bubbly energy. But while Cheri was adorably cute and bubbly, Tabby looks a little scary. So her energy made me extra nervous. I hope Tabby enjoyed their stay but I wouldn’t want her to live here!

