Wootini’s Weekly Animal Crossing Diary 3/21/20
Dear Diary,
This is it. My final week living in Geneva. I went about my usual business and at the end of the week made a point of chatting to everyone before sobbing outside the train station as I prepared to move to my new island home. And after almost eight full years in this town, it seriously broke my heart to say goodbye to it. I’d gotten very attached. *sniff*
The bulletin board let us know that the cherry blossoms would be starting to bloom soon, but it just made me sad that I won’t be here on April 1 to enjoy them. Hopefully, my new home will have some cherry blossoms, too…
I ran into Pete walking around delivering the mail and I hope he’s still the guy delivering mail to my new home, wherever that might be. Gotta make sure to leave a forwarding address once I get settled!
The day finally came when someone wanted to move away and the date they chose was after my own exit date and Quillson was the lucky one. I think he fit in just fine, but if he wants to go, I can’t really stop him anymore. And of course, after March 20, everyone who wants to can just pack up and leave. Sigh. I’m going to miss them all, even the newbies like Quillson.
This week also had a holiday, and once again Isabelle was in the plaza wearing her green blazer and handing out shamrock hats. Of course, I was already wearing mine since I kept it from before. Probably years before. Wondered how my new town would celebrate Shamrock Day, but it’s going to be almost a year before I find out…
On my last day in Geneva, I walked around town and chatted with everyone. I also made a point of sitting down by the tree in the plaza to take a stroll down Memory Lane and remember the highlights of my years as mayor of Geneva. *sniff*
Pippy was the first one to actually make me well up as I was talking to her and realizing it was going to be for the last time. I mean, technically, I could come back for a visit, but there’s no guaranteeing Pippy or any of the others will still be here. *sniff* We had our cute little chat where she talked about her dream for the future and then I walked out, tears filling my eyes. I didn’t want her to see them.
Thankfully, my final chat with Lopez was him flagging me down to ask me to think up a new catchphrase for him. He was tired of “babe.” So I suggested he say “buddy” instead. And I hope that he remembers that we’ll always be buddies. *sniff*
I felt a little bad for Tiffany that our final chat was after I had plucked a flea off of her with my net. How embarrassing! (For her!) I’m gonna miss my hooker bunny. As you can see from the beginning of my Geneva memories above, she moved into town just a couple days after I did. So while she’s not an original resident, she’s as near as. And I’ve known her for nearly eight years. *sniff*
I couldn’t leave without a final chat with my oldest friend, Gabi. She has lived in Geneva for as long as I have. Actually, longer, since she was here already when I arrived to become mayor. *sniff* I had a really hard time finding her, and it led me on a search through literally everyplace in town so I had a good final tour on my last day before finding her in the museum. Aw, Gabi. I’m gonna miss you, gurl. Hope she comes to visit me someday!
I stopped by the town hall to say goodbye to Isabelle, of course, but she wouldn’t let me saying anything about retiring like I want to. It just wasn’t an option with her. Shame. I’d really prefer to officially hand mayoral powers over to her, but it’s not actually possible. Oh well. She practically runs the place anyway, so she’ll keep things from falling apart completely. Of course, without me, there won’t be anyone to keep the flowers watered or the weeds plucked. If only I could actually retire and then Isabelle could take care of those things so if I came back for a visit, Geneva wouldn’t be a complete mess. Not sure why it’s not possible, but it’s a real shame.
Since I wasn’t actually able to say goodbye to anyone properly, I had to write a farewell message on the bulletin board. And as I write this entry now, I realize that because I had a hard time seeing the screen through my tears, I have a typo in it. Sigh. But by this point I was beyond welling up, I was actually crying. It was very emotional. But it’s time for a new adventure, and Tom Nook has this Deserted Island Getaway Package that sounds like just the thing. So goodbye to Geneva, and hello… to whatever comes next! I can’t wait!