Wootini’s Weekly Animal Crossing Diary 3/2/24
Dear Diary,
I love how even after all these years on the island, I can still learn and discover new things. And it’s not just because of my new job, although that does help, as it turns out!
I kicked things off by pulling a shift at Paradise Planning because I had some extra time. And while working on Pudge’s vacation house request I learned a new skill. Now I can polish things and really make ’em shine. And I can even do it back at home, too!
The shining skill really came in handy for Pudge’s “Pretentious Palace” as he requested it be called. Look at everything sparkle!
Lottie also brought my attention to the bunch of abandoned buildings on the island. Apparently they built them and never finished developing the island so they’re just sitting there waiting to be turned into useful places like schools and shops and cafes and whatnot. (I assume. She only mentioned this one was supposed to be a school.) Guess I’ll find out more as I keep working!
But I spent most of my time on my own island paradise this week. And to my surprise, the snow was already gone and it wasn’t even March yet! So instead of snowfall, we had yucky rain. It was all grey and the ground isn’t green yet, so it’s kind of a bleh mood all around.
While doing my rounds I came across another bottle on the beach but this time there was a DIY recipe I didn’t already have! Now I can make a golden urn. And with my newly-learned polishing skill, I can make it sparkle and shine! (If I ever bother to build it, that is…)
Kitt made me sad when she said she was considering moving away. I can’t let that happen quite yet. Now I feel like I need to make more of an effort with these folks so they’ll give me their picture and I can release them from their prison… so to speak! Hee!
At the end of a pretty quiet week, March came and so another gift from Mom. I rather like this candle set. It’s more colorful than the others. Nice work, Mom! Now we just need spring to properly spring so we can get some nice greenery going!