Wootini’s Weekly Animal Crossing Diary 3/12/22

Chris Eades
4 min readMar 12, 2022

Dear Diary,

Aside from Apple describing a weird TV show she watched, there was plenty of other fun to be had on Xanadu this week. Some disappointments, but also some delights — like a birthday party and a new friend!

Sadly, when I went to make a request of K.K. Slider and left it up to him, he decided to play “K.K. Rockabilly,” which is one of his older tunes. I guess we’ve run out of new tracks for him to play. Oh well. New music is always awesome but now I’ll just have to request some old faves.

Sherb admitted he was thinking of moving away and while I almost considered letting him go for a hot second, I just as quickly changed my mind and asked him to stay. I’ve just grown too attached to this little weirdo. I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to let him go…

I kept Sherb around because I love him but it also had the benefit of learning a new recipe the next day! He taught me how to make plain cupcakes. Although why anyone would want to eat plain cupcakes is beyond me. Put some frosting on that or something! Then, the day after this, Lopez shared his recipe for coconut pudding. Sounds yummy!

This week also brought Zucker’s birthday. He’s like a little kid so I decided to give him a toy box as a present, and he seemed to really like it. Not sure why Harry was hanging out. They make kind of an odd pair… but maybe that’s why they’re friends!

This week, I was given Sasha’s card as a present so I quickly used to call him up and invite him for coffee at The Roost. He’s absolutely freaking adorable and I already think he’s amazing. As soon as there’s an open slot on the island, I’m totally inviting him!

I also saw Gulliver washed ashore this week and decided to do the right thing and help him out. And the next day he sent me this fabulous silk hat. I’ve already got two of them, but I didn’t have this color yet, so that’s appreciated!

Having learned from inviting Lopez to the island back at the very beginning that you need to invite someone to camp three times before they’ll agree to move here, I thought it best to invite Sasha to come camp. He asked for a wooden chest, and I actually had to go chop some wood to craft it for him because I didn’t have quite enough on me. Now maybe next week or so I’ll invite him again and when someone moves away, I can quickly invite him to take that empty lot!

Unfortunately, a couple of days later at the end of the week, I found Coco contemplating moving away. First of all, I’m not ready to get Sasha to take your place, Coco, and second, you literally just got here! Why not relax and enjoy yourself for a while before you give up on Xanadu. It’s honestly pretty great here. Give us a chance! Heck, I gave Coco a chance. I’ve grown accustomed to her (creepy) face!

