Wootini’s Weekly Animal Crossing Diary 2/5/22
Dear Diary,
This week brought more than a few surprises with a new favorite song, a couple of unexpected gifts, and new things to learn! Let’s jump right in!
I got my Rajah Brooke’s Birdwing model from Flick and it’s lovely. I put it in the area of my island where I have all the pretty butterfly models displayed. The problem is that while it looks great, it’s getting a little hard to get around! Getting crowded!
I remembered to stop by the plaza in the evening to get a request from K.K. Slider, and once again, I left the choice up to him. And he once again picked a brand new song which I’d never heard before, “K.K. Bashment.” It’s amazing. It was good both live and on the record. It kind of reminds me of “Poor Leno” by Royksopp, but not enough for K.K. Slider to get sued! Which is good, because it’s my new favorite song of his.
So Isabelle said we were going to have a meteor shower that night, but it was the same night that K.K. Slider was performing. And while I’ve heard that Celeste can still come visit even if someone else is already visiting your island, I looked all over and didn’t see her anywhere. I haven’t seen Celeste in a really long time. I hope she’s okay.
I found Sherb cooking some carpaccio di capesante, and was very glad he shared the recipe with me because I love scallops. Later in the week, Francine taught me how to make veggie quiche (less of a favorite) and then Tank gave me his recipe for coconut pancakes (sounds alright).
I had some free time on my hands so when Harry invited me to check out his place, I agreed. And then much to my surprise, when I went to leave, he gave me his photo as a present! I honestly thought I’d already gotten his picture a long time ago, but when I looked all over my house and even in my storage, I didn’t see it anywhere. Well, I’ve got it now! Yay Harry! BFFs!
I was quite shocked to get another DIY crafting recipe out of a balloon I shot down instead of crafting materials or useless furniture. I’m not actually going to make the frozen floor tiles, especially not this late into winter, but it’s nice to have and maybe next year I can do a frozen-themed room in my house.
With a new month comes a new letter from Mom. “My dear Chris, I blow onto my icy hands to warm them… It doesn’t work, but it’s something to do. If I stitch fast enough, maybe I’ll be able to feel my fingers again. I miss the sun! — Mom” And enclosed was another of Mom’s embroidery. I hung the flowers up next to the duck from last year. Mom’s really talented! I could never do that!
I guess I shouldn’t have been, but I was totally surprised when Harry told me he was thinking of moving away to see what else is out there in the world. Dude, you just gave me your picture to cement our BFF status and a couple days later you want to skip out? Mission accomplished or something? What’s up with that? Naturally, I asked him not to go, because I need another cranky cuss on the island. Everyone else is just too nice and sweet!
Like Bangle, who came camping at the end of the week. Another peppy, fun island resident. Or potential island resident, I should say. I mean, nothing against her, she seems perfectly nice and all, but we’ve got enough of that already. Xanadu needs more cranks!