Wootini’s Weekly Animal Crossing Diary 2/27/21

Chris Eades
4 min readFeb 27, 2021


Dear Diary,

Some big changes this week as it looks like spring is finally on its way! I also met some new people, but was prevented from seeing my friends… which is a bit rude, if you ask me!

Things kicked off with an adorable visitor to the island’s campsite. Sylvana seemed pretty cool, even if her name reminds me of light bulbs. Sadly, there’s no room at the inn, Sylvana.

I was a bit sad when Apple told me she was thinking about leaving me. As one of my oldest friends on this island, I would be lost if my spunky pink hamster wasn’t around. So I changed her mind and she happily agreed to stick around. Phew!

I’ve tried opening my gates a few times but haven’t had anyone visit. And while my gates were open this week, I got a couple notifications that some of them were online. So I asked Orville to close my gates so I could go out instead. But for some reason, he insisted that there was nowhere I could go to. Even though my Nook Phone was telling me that I had at least two friends online. Not sure what’s up with that… Do I need to complain to the manager? Who is the manager of Dodo Airlines?

Towards the end of the week, I was surprised to come out of my house and find out that the snow was gone! Somehow it all melted overnight. Unfortunately, the trees aren’t a particularly bright green yet and the grass looks all dead so while it’s nice to get rid of the snow and prepare for spring, it doesn’t look exactly pretty yet. I also realized I had to take down my snowman decoration and also the illuminated tree I had down by the fountain at the entrance. They just looked out of place now.

I also helped out Gullivarrr, and to say thanks, he mailed me this pirate eye patch. I already have an eye patch I got at the Able Sisters, but this one has a skull on it so it’s even better to wear with the rest of my pirate ensemble when I eventually put that all together!

As we head into a new month, I got a letter from Nintendo that included this Mushroom Mural wallpaper! You can’t tell from this photo, but it’s all animated so the main room of my home now looks like I’m in the middle of a Mario game! I had already swapped out my Falling-Snow wallpaper since there’s no snow outside anymore and it looked weird, but then I swapped this in when I got it. Not sure how long I’ll leave it up since it’s kind of busy. Makes me nervous!

I was also super psyched at the end of the week when Redd stopped by and actually seemed to have an actual Famous Painting for sale. This is the first time Mona hasn’t had angry eyebrows, so I think this is the genuine article! Check back next week for confirmation and cross your fingers for me!

To close out the week, we had another camper on Xanadu, which bookends this diary entry nicely! Although Cheri seemed like a lot. I don’t know if I could handle her on a daily basis. She’s a little extra. I can’t keep up with that kind of energy! But you do you, girlfriend!



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