Wootini’s Weekly Animal Crossing Diary 2/26/22
Dear Diary,
Much to my surprise, we actually had a quiet week on Xanadu! Like, legit quiet! It was kind of lovely. I mean, that’s not to say that nothing happened!
I very nearly forgot to come back for a request and barely remembered before midnight, which is when I think K.K. Slider packs up and heads home. Which is why it was a private concert. Everyone else was in bed, I guess! I left it up to him and he played me another of his new songs, “K.K. Dub.” I kind of enjoyed the live version, but the album track… not as much.
We had a camper on the island this week and I was super excited to see that it was Bam! I remember he was my neighbor way way back like, a few villages ago. Naturally, he didn’t remember me. Heck, he almost felt like a completely different person. I don’t remember him being quite so much of a jock. Still, when he expressed an interest in possibly moving to Xanadu, I suggested he do it. Unfortunately, he immediately turned me down. Didn’t even try to make a game out of it or anything, just a flat-out no. Rude.
I was relieved when I saw a notice posted on the bulletin board that Festivale is coming up on the 28th. I was wondering what happened to it! I mean, I was pretty sure I hadn’t missed it because I’m on this island every day, but you never know! I’d hate to miss Pave!
After Bam turned down my invitation I saw that the empty plot of land had been sold to Roald. I kind of recognized the name but I thought he was a duck for some reason. So I was kind of surprised to meet him and find out he’s a super-cute little penguin in a flannel shirt! The only problem? As adorable as Roald is, he’s just as one-note as Tank talking about muscles and working out all the time. You guys, that’s not a whole personality!
I saw Gullivarrr washed up on the beach and for the first time, I just left him there for someone else to deal with. I just didn’t have time to go diving for his phone. It’s still really cold out! Have mercy!
At the end of the week, I was quite surprised to exit my house and find that all of the snow had melted! Woo hoo! Spring is on the way! (Guess Resetti didn’t see his shadow so we didn’t have six more weeks of winter!) Of course, the grass and trees are still not pretty and greet yet, but that’s coming. I’m so glad, because I was really over winter at this point. Can’t wait for the cherry blossoms! They’re so pretty!