Wootini’s Weekly Animal Crossing Diary 2/22/25
Dear Diary,
Well, after all the activity of last week, this week was going to have to be quieter, right? But I was still kept pretty busy anyway… just not as busy as last week!
So remember how last week ended with Muffy’s birthday and I bought her this super expensive electric guitar that she totally loved? Well, I did not get her picture as a thank you for my friendship and generosity. I just got a café uniform. Sigh… Maybe Muffy doesn’t like me like that?
I then got mixed up in some drama between Muffy and Sherb who fought over sharing snacks. (Do not get between Sherb and his snacks!) So I delivered Sherb’s present, which was a down ski jacket. The colors sort of suited Muffy so I told her she looked great, and she gave me an apron to say thanks. I’ve never understood why the recipient of the gift gives you a thank you. Shouldn’t the one who asks you to do the favor for them be the one to thank you with a present? These animals are weird.
I ran into Ace who basically wanted to invite himself over to my house and since as you know, I’m still wondering why he hasn’t given me his picture yet I naturally agreed. He didn’t stay long, and I honestly don’t even remember what he gave me… obviously not his picture!
Isabelle had also said there would be shooting stars that evening and I made a point of going out to look for Celeste. I’ve checked with other people and even though I haven’t gotten a new celestial DIY recipe in a while, I don’t actually have them all so I should keep checking in with her. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find her anywhere. Sigh.
I have to admit that I kind of took it really personally when Ace told me he was thinking about moving away. Dude, I literally just had you over to my house! Sure, I wasn’t the best host because I was a little distracted, but still… Anyway, I told him he wasn’t going anywhere because I’m bound and determined to get his picture one way or another.
I also found a bottle washed ashore that had a DIY recipe that I didn’t already have. It was another flower crown, this time a simple mum crown. Bit weird that these flower crowns are the recipes I don’t already have yet. Maybe I do now? Guess we’ll just have to wait and see!