Wootini’s Weekly Animal Crossing Diary 2/22/20

Chris Eades
3 min readFeb 22, 2020


Dear Diary,

There’s less than a month left now before I move away, and I think my friends have caught wind of my plans because this week there was a freakin’ mass exodus! Well, attempted mass exodus. Nobody’s leaving until I do, got it?

The week kicked off with Monty trying to move out of town but it turns out he was just the start. In fact, there was one day when Pippy came rushing over to tell me something, but I had just started a conversation with Butch and by the time I finished, she’d given up and wandered off. I was horrified that she might have also wanted to move away and I missed my chance to stop her. She’s still around, so hopefully that wasn’t what she wanted to talk about!

I’m glad I’m going to be able to squeeze in one more Festivale before I go. Still probably won’t participate because gathering those feathers is a pain in the butt. Oh, and a check of the calendar tells me I’ll also be around for one more Shamrock Day. Fun!

Quillson tried to move again, and I put a stop to it again. I wish they’d just get it through their thick skulls that I’m not letting anyone go. My heart can’t take it. Even someone like Quillson, who hasn’t been around even half as long as some of the others, I can’t say goodbye yet. Sorry!

Well, if Tiffany was any good at reading fortunes, she would’ve checked her own and found out that she wouldn’t be moving anywhere quite yet! Ha ha ha! Actually, Tiff is one of the few I am considering inviting to my new town once things are all set up and I have that opportunity. Lopez is the other, and possibly Pippy. I mean, I’m all for meeting new friends, but after all these years, I’m rather attached to some of these silly idiots!

I guess Quillson had to find some way to entertain himself since I wouldn’t let him move, so he came up with a new nickname for me. “C” is kind of minimalist, but I kind of like that about it. I told him to go ahead and use it. Now we’ll just have to wait to see if it catches on!



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