Wootini’s Weekly Animal Crossing Diary 12/7/24
Dear Diary,
Finally! Finally! Finally! (But prepare for some twists and turns this week!)
With the weather getting colder, Mom sent me another hand-knit sweater, and I loved this one so much I immediately decided to keep it on. It was time to change up my outfit anyway. I love that it looks like I’m wearing a quilt. I just had to change my pants and shoes to match better.
Ace once again was contemplating leaving the island and I had to try and stop him again. I invited him here special once I was able to get his number because he was my very first favorite neighbor in the very first village where I lived. And for whatever reason, even though he’s been here ages, I still haven’t gotten his picture yet. I even went back to my house to scan the walls to make sure I hadn’t gotten it a while back and forgot. But I didn’t see it anywhere. So I have no idea why he’s being so withholding about it.
I found a comic book on the ground and from the look of it I knew it either had to be Patty’s or Apple’s. Unfortunately, it was Apple’s, so I just got a safety helmet with lamp (random!) instead of strengthening my friendship with Patty. Oh well!
I did get very excited when Ace asked if I wanted to do a treasure hunt. I’ve done some of these in the past where if I find the treasure it turns out to be their picture, so I was really in it to win it this time! Thankfully, I’d already done my rounds so I’d dug up all the fossils so as soon as I saw a mark on the ground I knew that’s where he’d buried it. Unfortunately, it was just an animal-print coat… Sigh.
This week was Robin’s birthday, and I didn’t like anything on sale in the store so I went ahead and crafted an iron wall lamp to wrap up to give her. I’ve heard it’s a good gift to give if you’re hoping to get a picture in exchange, but as I recall, it didn’t work with Ace over the summer. Still, she seemed quite thrilled with it…
… and to my delight, the next day she sent me her picture to say thank you! Yes! I finally got Robin’s picture! That took forever! Of course, not as long as Ace. He moved in well before Robin did. And I’ve gotten a few pictures off people who have moved in after Ace. I’m not sure what his problem is. But thank you, Robin! (Now she can go if she wants to move away…)
Of course, I was in my house hanging up Robin’s picture and then taking a photo for this diary which took a few minutes and naturally someone knocked on my door. It was Ace, and he just kind of hung out for a little while then decided to leave. We didn’t even play any games or anything. But I wasn’t about to kick him out. I’m trying to be best friends with him again. But he’s just not that into me, I guess.
At the end of the week, we had some shooting stars, so I went out again in the evening and made some wishes while looking for Celeste. At first I thought she wasn’t around and I had given up searching… which is of course when she came wandering by! And once again, she gave me a handful of star fragments so I guess I really have collected all the DIY recipes. Oh well…
Then, at the very end of the week, I finally saw some snow! Granted, it’s just a light flurry, and it’s not going to stick, but at least this time I saw it falling. Before, Isabelle said there was snow during her announcements and I didn’t see a flake. Now we just have to wait for winter to start properly and the snow to start sticking. I give it another week… let’s see!