Wootini’s Weekly Animal Crossing Diary 12/4/21
Things are starting to slowly get back to normal on Xanadu, but there are still plenty of fun new things to discover. Now that I’ve finished Harv’s island, how much longer before I investigate that job offer Lottie mentioned?
I continue to be delighted when I go into someone’s house and instead of crafting, they’re cooking. Because I’m much more likely to get a new recipe that way. I seem to have most of the DIY crafting recipes… but the food? Those are mostly new! Well, except for that time I ended up with a duplicate spaghetti recipe, so I passed it along to my friend Rob. He then mailed me another cooking recipe in exchange, but I already had that one so I passed it along to another friend, Nelson. Share the wealth, I always say! (Well, at least right now when they’re still relatively new and not everybody will have everything already…)
I also got another frequent caffeinator reward from The Roost. Brewster gave me a nice coffee plant for highly caffeinating myself. If he keeps giving me these things I’ll soon be able to make my own coffee and then I can put him out of business! Hah, just kidding. I’m too lazy to make my own coffee!
This week I had a ton of extra cash on me so I paid off the donation for Reece and Cyrus’ customization shop on Harv’s island. I assume they’ll be able to customize things that I can’t do myself, which will be nice. I felt bad that I had the ability to customize furniture myself now, because it kind of put them out of a job. Not that I used their services much in my last town but I did feel terrible that they’d been relegated to showing up once a year to get commemorative wedding pictures taken. That was just kind of sad.
Sadly, Harriet’s final hairstyle she gave me was a simple bun which I did not like more than the style I’m currently sporting. Oh well. Maybe it’s not the final hairstyle? I guess I can always hope that some day in the future she’ll come up with some more styles. Maybe even open her own shop!
Of course, this means that I’ve finished opening up all the co-ops on Harv’s island, so that’s all finished now. I’m sure some of my friends did this weeks ago but I don’t mind taking my time. That’s the best thing about this island life. You can take your time. Do everything at your own pace. I don’t imagine Harv will have any new co-ops to open anytime soon, but I should try to remember to visit at least once a week just to see what everyone’s selling in case there’s something cool I need!
As I said, the regular DIY recipes tend to be all duplicates now, so I was more than a little surprised when Sherb passed along a recipe for a golden altar! Of course, before I can craft it, I’ll need a forbidden altar, and I don’t have that DIY recipe yet. So frustrating when you get these out of order!
This week while I was finishing up my coffee at The Roost, Isabelle came over for a cup to go. Slacking off again, Isabelle? She says Tom Nook told her it was okay to take a break, but knowing that guy the way I do, I can’t imagine him saying something like that!
I mentioned before how my friend Rob sent me a cooking recipe that I already had, but he also shared some more Sanrio merch that he got. Eventually, I’d like to be able to get this stuff for myself, but until then I guess I’ll have to rely on the kindness of strangers… er friends!
When December 1 came around, it was time for another present from Mom! She’s like clockwork, that one! This time she was inspired to knit, so I got another Mom’s Hand-Knit Sweater. There’s some kind of an animal on it but I hate to tell her that I can’t tell exactly what it’s supposed to be… I kind of liked the star one she sent me last year. Sorry, Mom!
Oh, I also took a couple of trips to other islands on Kappn’s boat, just to see what I could find. I was very excited that one of them turned out to have more glowing moss, and I was even more excited when the DIY recipe I found washed ashore on the beach wasn’t for the glowing moss, it was for the hanging vines! I got a recipe for a ruined broken pillar, so I decided to make two of them to put by the fountain I have placed at the grand entrance to my island. Oh, and yeah, I don’t know if I mentioned it before, but this is a new fountain with seals to replace the boring plain one I had before. There is a bunch of new stuff to buy for the island now, but this was one of the only ones that really grabbed my attention right off. It just makes it look fancier!