Wootini’s Weekly Animal Crossing Diary 12/26/20
Dear Diary,
There was already a lot going on this week and then there was Toy Day! So it was pretty busy, but I have to admit, I was slightly let down by Toy Day this year. Oh well… can’t win ’em all!
Thankfully, my sources were correct, and the common painting was in fact the genuine article. So Jean-Francois Millet’s The Gleaners is now on display in the Xanadu museum. The paintings are really coming along but we could really use some more statues…
It was a completely solo show for me this week when I asked K.K. Slider to play a little something. I left it up to him and he played me “K.K. Marathon,” which is a fun little ditty, and one I didn’t already have!
I helped out Gulliver this week and in exchange I got a samurai wig. Which would be cool if it wasn’t Toy Day and I was trying to dress for the season. Maybe another time I can try this out. I think I still need some samurai pants to complete the outfit… oh, and I have a samurai helmet, but that would cover up the hair so I’d have to pick the helmet or the wig, obviously.
Kitty looked lost in thought and when I asked what was the deal, she admitted she was thinking about moving away. Not on the day before Toy Day! That’s just crazy! She’d actually be packing up her home on Toy Day, and that’s no way to spend the holiday! Also, she just got here. So I flattered her and asked her to please stay and she happily agreed.
Earlier in the week, the Able Sisters was selling the rest of the Santa costume so when Toy Day rolled around, I was able to add the rest of the ensemble to the hat I’d been wearing so I’d really look the part. Everyone was wearing Santa hats but it was still pretty easy to spot Jingle hanging around near Town Hall. He had a bag of presents, but apparently forgot the wrapping paper. Seriously? How unprofessional! Santa would be very disappointed!
After I collected enough ornaments from the trees to craft three sets of wrapping paper for Jingle, he rewarded me with this set of Toy Day stockings! I’d bought some stockings from the Nooklings last week but they were all white and gray so these are much more festive to hang above my fireplace!
After I gave Jingle the wrapping paper, he asked if I would be willing to help him distribute gifts around the island. He forgets the wrapping paper and then doesn’t even want to do his job? Santa should really hear about this! Anyway, in the last town where I lived, my friends would drop hints in the weeks leading up to Toy Day and then it was like a fun little puzzle to figure out who should get which gifts in the bag. But here, you just hand them wrapped packages that they don’t even open right then and there. They just take them happily and presumably open them in private. Oh, and I did notice that when I delivered to some of my best friends, like Apple, Kiki, and Genji, they would give me a present in exchange. But they were just more of the same toys that have been going around all month.
After delivering all of Jingle’s gifts, he gave me a Toy Day sleigh as a reward. I put it by my lighted reindeer, but you can’t actually sit facing forward so it looks like Santa’s riding side saddle!
Once I’d delivered all of Jingle’s presents from Santa, my friends still wanted to exchange gifts with me. So I grabbed a bunch of toys and wrapping paper and made the rounds. I tried to pick gifts that they might like, but as we exchanged Toy Day presents, it became very clear that everyone was going to like everything. It’s the spirit of the season, I guess! I would give them a toy and then they would give me a toy in exchange. So many toys! After I did this, I went back to Jingle, but I guess he doesn’t care any about what we do ourselves. He’d found someone to deliver his presents from Santa, and that’s all he cares about!
The day after Toy Day, I put on my reindeer costume I’d bought earlier in the week because it felt weird to look like Santa now. And while the paws aren’t quite the right color, they work well enough… even though they should really be hooves. I tried to put on a red nose, but when I did that I found I couldn’t have that and the reindeer hat at the same time. Oh well! Oh, and all week I kept trying to make Snowboys but I keep getting the size of the head wrong. I think I made two or three perfect Snowboys this week. Sigh. Hopefully, I can get the hang of it because that’s the only way I’m going to get seasonal DIYs because the balloons are absolutely useless!