Wootini’s Weekly Animal Crossing Diary 12/25/21

Chris Eades
6 min readDec 25, 2021


Dear Diary,

This was another busy week on the island of Xanadu, so I’m still not feeling the need to make my life even more hectic by taking on a new job! But there was a lot going on this week, even not including Toy Day, so let’s not waste any more time!

Kicking things off, Genji taught me how to make a festive top set, so I crafted it and put it out on the frozen table with the other new holiday items I’ve made. Oh, and later in the week, Genji also taught me how to make that giant ornament that my pal Rob gave me last week, so now I can make my own! Rob sent me an illuminated present this week, but I haven’t gotten that recipe yet. There’s still time, though… I think!

Once again, when left to his own devices, K.K. Slider selected another brand new song I’ve never heard before. “K.K. Slack-Key” is a nice, mellow island tune. And I keep liking his live versions better than the recordings!

I got all excited when Zucker taught me the DIY recipe for a festive tree. But I should’ve guessed when it didn’t take that many ornaments to craft that it wouldn’t be particularly big!

I also shook extra ornaments out of the tree so I could craft the festive rug. I haven’t really decorated my house for the holidays, but I figured the rug would give things a bit of a festive feel!

I was pleased when one of the bottles that washed ashore on the beach had a DIY recipe that I didn’t already have. Except that to make a golden decorative plate you need to have a decorative plate, which I don’t have yet. Sigh. And later in the week, I happened upon another bottle that had a box-shaped seat DIY recipe in it, which is less cool but still better than yet another repeat!

Also while checking the beach for washed-up bottles or seagulls, I was surprised to see a gyroid fragment in the sand! You used to only see these on the islands Kapp’n takes you to, but after growing my first gyroid from one of those trips, I found that I dig up a few gyroids the day after it rains. And now, apparently, fragments are going to randomly wash ashore. I wonder where else they might show up!

Plucky told me once again she was thinking of moving away. I’ve been asking her to stay but this time I just gave in and told her that if she wanted to go, I wish her well. I never really connected with Plucky, even though every time I would actually talk to her I thought she was pretty cool. Oh well!

One of the days I stopped into The Roost for a cup of coffee this week, I saw Celeste hanging out having a drink. This is the first time I’ve seen Celeste in ages. I rarely ever go out at night so I don’t really see shooting stars much, and even when I’ve seen shooting stars, I never see Celeste. Haven’t had one of her DIY recipes in a good long while. I hope to see her again eventually… outside!

I was very happy when Apple taught me the DIY recipe for the big festive tree. This is more like it! I probably should have put it up in my house, but I felt like I’d rather have it out with the other seasonal holiday decorations for everyone to enjoy. Even though it’s basically the same tree that’s been put up out in front of the town hall…

Genji was big with the DIY recipes this week. He also taught me this ornament table lamp. I hope there aren’t any more tabletop holiday items to craft because I only have the one table!

I did pop over to Harv’s island where I bought some wallpaper from Sahara and this beautiful statue from Redd. It looked genuine to me, but I’ve made mistakes in the past. Thankfully, Blathers appraised this as the genuine Venus de Milo. And the museum continues to be educational because I didn’t realize that the artist who created this iconic statue is unknown. Learn something new every day!

Sherb was the one who taught me the DIY recipe for these illuminated snowflakes, although when I made them it was the middle of the day so I had to come back later in the evening to get a photo of them where you can see them actually lit up.

Claude stopped by to camp on the island and I thought he was actually kind of cool, but there was no point in trying to invite him to move to Xanadu because by the day he showed up, Plucky’s empty plot of land had already been sold off. And I didn’t want to risk Claude trying to kick out someone I actually didn’t want to say goodbye to right now. (Although given the last few attempts I’ve made, he wouldn’t have wanted to move here anyway… they never do.)

When I saw that the land had been sold to Tank, I remembered him, but I couldn’t think from where. I just knew he was a rhino. Maybe he was a neighbor in one of the other towns where I lived? Or maybe he was a resident in a town I visited at some point in the past. But at any rate, I knew who was moving in this time. He seems okay, but we’ll see how sporty he gets and if it gets on my nerves!

The week ended with Toy Day, and after doing my daily errands, I went ahead and spoke to Jingle and helped him give out a bunch of presents to everyone on the island. Well, after crafting the wrapping paper he needed, of course. I was a little concerned when I couldn’t give Tank a present since he hadn’t even unpacked yet, but when I checked with Jingle later, it was fine. He doesn’t count, I guess, because he’s not actually living here yet! Unfortunately, Toy Day is kind of a bust because it’s all the same as last year. It’s cute to deliver presents to everyone, but Jingle just gave me duplicates of the same DIY rewards from last year. I miss when you had to figure out what presents in the bag went to each person. That was more of a challenge. This is kind of too easy. And there’s no new rewards for doing it. But I can’t not do it. I need to make sure everyone gets their presents!



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