Wootini’s Weekly Animal Crossing Diary 12/18/21

Chris Eades
5 min readDec 18, 2021


Dear Diary,

Well, we finally had some more snow this week that actually stuck so now it looks properly wintry on the island! Yay! Although this also means attempting to make snowmen… which I am not always good at. But I had a lot of good luck with learning new DIY recipes that was a nice change of pace. So there’s a lot of fun to cover this time around! Let’s not waste any more time!

I’ve started getting some duplicate DIY cooking recipes but I did pretty well this week, learning how to make fruit-topped pancakes (yum!) from Francine, and orange pie from Flurry.

Once again, when left up to him, K.K. Slider performed one of his new songs, this time, “K.K. Hop.” Which I think I might actually like a little better live than on record…

We had a camper at the beginning of the week, but Tia kind of creeped me out. At first, I thought, what a cute white elephant. But then I realized that she looks like a living teapot which is a little weird. She seemed nice enough, though!

I didn’t drink a whole lot of coffee this week but as I was leaving one time, Brewster gave me another frequent customer reward. A siphon. It’s a little weird how he can just magic it into my pockets like that, but hey — Brewster has always been a little bit magic.

My first attempt at making a snowman I didn’t have the proportions quite right (typical) and a couple other times I couldn’t even find the other snowball to roll up. But one time I managed to make a proper snowman and he taught me how to make a frozen mini snowperson! It’s so cute! I made a couple of others, but they just mailed me my rewards the following day and it was just another frozen treat set and frozen arch. This was the only new reward, the DIY recipe. I want more of those!

Speaking of DIY recipes, I started getting some more seasonal ones. Lopez taught me how to make this super cute tabletop festive tree! So I was able to start making things around the island look a little more festive.

I also popped over to Harv’s Island to see what Redd had on sale, and he had this Motherly Statue that looked pretty genuine. And it was! So now my museum has a Captioline Wolf statue from the 5th century BCE. The artist is unknown, and apparently, the little babies were added later on. They’re super weird and unsettling.

Later in the week, Flurry taught me another DIY recipe for an ornament garland. Like the tabletop festive tree, these need ornaments that take a lot of tree shaking to get. I honestly thought I had some in storage from last year, but I did not. So I had to shake a lot of trees to make this stuff. But it’s worth it because it looks so pretty!

Oh, there were a few seasonal items for sale in the Nook Shopping app that I noticed this week. I bought this bathtub with yuzu and also some Tangyuan, which is apparently some kind of Japanese dessert with sticky rice balls and syrup.

One day I found a notebook right outside my house, and right away it was identified as belonging to Cherry. The only problem? I couldn’t find Cherry no matter how much I looked! I even looked around inside the museum! Then I just randomly stumbled upon her walking around outside, and she clearly had something on her mind. When I asked, I was surprise to hear her admit she’d lost her notebook and ask if I’d help find it. I’ve always found missing items before they have a chance to ask me about them, I guess. But she was delighted to get her notebook back, even if I only got a denim cap for my troubles.

My friend Rob mailed me a giant ornament and when I tried to put it down in front of my house to look at it, there just wasn’t enough room anywhere. I was like, how big can this thing possibly be? And when I found enough space to display it, I found out. It’s pretty big! (And I appreciate the ornament because I don’t have this DIY recipe yet and with my luck, I’m not likely to get it until probably next year…)

Lopez also passed along a DIY recipe for a holiday candle, so I decided to move the tabletop festive tree to an actual tabletop and create a little seasonal display of my new holiday items in one area. I also found a DIY recipe for a festive rug washed up on the beach but I haven’t made that one yet. I can’t display that out here because rugs (annoyingly) are only for indoors. And I don’t have a holiday room in my house. I probably should, though. Or I can just put it in my main room and replace one of the rugs already out. Just for the holidays!



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