Wootini’s Weekly Animal Crossing Diary 12/16/23
Dear Diary,
Well, it’s beginning to look a lot like something on the island. The snow got a little heavier and finally stuck to the ground, and that meant things started getting festive. Of course, it also means a lot of extra flowers to dig up as they breed from the precipitation. And there’s those damn snowballs taunting me, just daring me to try and roll them up into a Snowboy so they can laugh at what a terrible job I did!
At the beginning of the week, I popped into Ace’s to see how he was doing and it turned out he wasn’t doing very well at all. Naturally, I had some medicine on me as I always do, so I was happy to help out my friend. Unfortunately, my good deed still didn’t earn me his picture. Just a fishing vest…
We also had a visit from the legendary Kid Cat. I remember him as a neighbor in my last town. He’s pretty cool. In fact, I feel like he was the most popular villager that everyone wanted to be friends with before we all moved to islands and suddenly everyone was obsessed with Raymond.
It seems like every week for the past few weeks, someone finds out that people are calling me “superstar” and they want to call me that, too. This time around, it was Sherb’s turn. Of course I said yes. I mean, who doesn’t like being called a superstar?
Then things took a turn when I found Apple down on the beach deep in thought. She confessed she was considering moving away. I was actually torn for a second or two as I realized that I’ve been holding her hostage on Xanadu for years now. But then I just couldn’t bring myself to let her go. Apple is one of my OGs and she’s also just the cutest thing. I would miss her too much!
This week I also helped out Gulliver and the next day I got another pagoda in the mail. I think it might be a different color, but I’m not 100% sure. Either way, it’s going into storage, because I’ve already got a pagoda on display and it’s way in the back of some stuff so I’m not in the mood to go through all that effort to replace it with this one. I’m lazy!
The snow started sticking at the beginning of this week, and by the end of it, Isabelle had strung up festive lights on a lot of the evergreen trees on the island. And of course, during her announcement, she reminded everyone about the ornaments that might fall from them and how they can be used in DIY recipes, but I doubt I’ll get any new DIY recipes during this season. I rarely do!
To wrap things up, I found a notebook on the ground and I got a little excited when Sherb told me it looked like Muffy’s. Of course, she’s the newest of my villagers, so I wasn’t expecting to get a picture in exchange for helping her out like I was with Ace. Although I guess I was hoping for more than just an after-school jacket! Still, it’s the good deed that counts, right?