Wootini’s Weekly Animal Crossing Diary 12/13/21
Dear Diary,
This was a very exciting week on Xanadu, and not just because it was the beginning of the Lunar New Year. That same exact day was my birthday! So there’s a lot going on in this particular entry! Let’s go!
To kick things off, I got my reward gift from Gulliver, this Elder Mask. It’s a little bit creepy, so maybe I’ll bust it out at Halloween!
I requested “K.K. Dixie” from K.K. Slider not because I actually wanted the song but because I’ve already got a pretty full song library and checking it, this is one of the few I don’t already have. Gotta catch ’em all!
I had a random piece of furniture so I decided to just gift it to Lopez and wouldn’t you know it, that useless gesture was what inspired him to finally give me his photo! I had thought about giving him the chocolate heart but then decided to hold on to that particular gift until Valentine’s Day. It would have been so much more special if he’d given me his photo in exchange for that!
Shari tried to move away again but I talked her out of it. I like my monkeys so I was happy when she moved in randomly, and I’m not ready to let her go yet!
Right after telling Shari she could stay, I went to check the campsite and I wasn’t actually sad that I didn’t have anywhere for Elvis to move into. He’s a bit up himself. Also, it wasn’t until a little while after our brief conversation that I realized the joke behind a lion called Elvis. I’m a little slow on the uptake sometimes!
This week I finally saw Celeste for the first time in ages! Isabelle mentioned during her announcements that there would be a meteor shower that night so I made sure to come back when it got dark to make some wishes and find Celeste. The DIY recipe I got was for an Aquarius urn, which is actually really pretty. And I’m not just saying that because I’m an Aquarian!
So Harry sent me an academic painting in the mail and I took one look at it and knew it was a fake. I tried to throw it away but I guess I removed the trash can I’d put by the Town Hall. Rude. On the plus side, Redd showed up that day and had a couple of genuine articles (along with that fake Mona Lisa he keeps trying to push time after time) so I bought the Familiar Statue to donate to the museum. Now we have an authentic The Thinker by Auguste Rodin!
I checked the shopping app for special items and there were a few new seasonal things to buy. I placed them around my house, so in this picture you can see them going from left to right: the Lucky Red Envelope on the table, a Bokjumeoni Lucky Pouch on the floor by the suitcase, and the Lunar New Year Decoration on the wall above the fireplace. The envelope and bag are meant to contain items. Later in the week, I got a lucky envelope in the mail from one of my friends and it contained $99,000 bells!
At the end of the week, it was the start of the Lunar New Year but it was also my birthday! The night before, I put on my birthday suit — no, not that kind of birthday suit! I put on my purple sequin comedian’s suit so I’d look dressed up and special. When I came out of my house on my birthday, Sherb was waiting outside to take me to his house for a surprise party. I figured Apple would be there but I was very happy to see my boyfriend, Lopez, as well! First I blew out my candles, and then there was a giant piñata to smash! Inside were a bunch of birthday cupcakes, but I wasn’t really excited to eat any of them because they had just been all over the floor. I did try one, eventually, and it was delicious!
In addition to the party and cupcakes, my friends also gave me this ridiculous birthday hat that I totally wore around all day to celebrate. Unfortunately, the pirate beard I got from helping Gullivarrr the previous day doesn’t really work with this particular look!
I also had a lovely package from Mom that contained this beautifully decorated cake as well as a note that read: “My dear Chris, Do you remember when we first met? Of course not, silly. But it was on this very day. If that’s not cause to celebrate, I don’t know what is. Happy birthday!” I love strawberries!
I don’t know who told K.K. Slider it was my birthday (Isabelle, I’m looking at you…) but he was there for a very personal concert. No requests this time because he was there specially to perform “K.K. Birthday” for me. Clay, Harry, Bea, and Kiki were also there in the audience to enjoy the show. There were also a few little birthday messages I got to enjoy as K.K. performed.
I popped in to chat with Isabelle, and while she didn’t admit to inviting K.K. Slider to play on my big day, she did wish me a happy birthday. Tom Nook? Naturally when I went to talk to him, he was all business. But I wouldn’t expect anything else from him! I’m just glad nobody asked how old I am now!