Wootini’s Weekly Animal Crossing Diary 11/5/22

Chris Eades
4 min readNov 5, 2022

Dear Diary,

It’s a new month, which means new stuff to see and do! Plus, there was a holiday and someone moved out, so let’s not waste any more time!

So I happened to be up and decided to go out just before noon to see if I could find Daisy Mae and buy some turnips. Now, 100 bells is a bit much, but it’s not like I don’t have millions in the bank already so I can afford to risk some bells in the stalk market. So I bought some and wouldn’t you know it, the very next day the price went up to 115 so I immediately sold them. It’s okay because the very next day they went down to like, 67 or something, so while I didn’t make a huge profit (only like, 6,000 bells), at least I didn’t lose money!

I was also happy to see Hopper again, even if he didn’t remember me from when we lived together in that other town years ago. I always enjoyed him. He was cranky like me. There wasn’t any open spaces for him to move to Xanadu, so I didn’t try to recruit him. I think I still have his card anyway, if I wanted to call and invite him. But honestly, I’d rather meet someone new anyway.

I had forgotten how buying turnips gets you DIY recipes, and this time I got a cooking recipe for kabu ankake. I don’t actually think I know what turnips taste like…

And yes, as you can see, I dressed up as a skeleton for Halloween this year. I just took a quick pic with the decorations outside the Town Hall since I never put up any of my own. I kind of half-assed Halloween this year to be honest. And I didn’t go out that night to see Jack, either. I suppose I could have at least said “Hi.”

The first day of November naturally brought another letter and gift from Mom. “My dear Chris,” she wrote. “Something about seeing piles of colorful leaves everywhere puts me in the mood to bake. Pies! Cakes! Muffins! Biscuits! I can’t fight this. I won’t. I think I need a bigger fridge.” But did she sent me any pies, cakes, muffins, or biscuits? No, she did not. She sent me this kitchen mat. Which I didn’t even put out on my kitchen floor. No, it’s in my upstairs bedroom. It goes better with the cute themed decorations there, and it won’t get anything on it when I’m cooking.

Oh, I also pulled one of the candy-skull masks down off the wall to wear with an appropriate outfit on Dia de los Muertos. I mean, why not, right?

When Zucker told me he was thinking about moving away, I wished him luck. He’s a little weirdo and it was always funny to see him walking around holding a little purse or something in his tentacle, but he’s been here a while and we have enough weirdos right now. (Watch me get another one in his place!)

November also brought with it an opportunity to catch some of the fish and bugs I haven’t yet donated to the museum. I actually caught two blowfishes during my pass around the island beaches, so I guess it’s not particularly rare. I just never went fishing late at night, so I never caught one before. I’m a day person!

Later in the week, I also did some diving and caught another one of the missing fish. And let me tell you, this sea pig moves faster than you’d think! It led me on a merry chase, but I finally caught it in the end. (And boy, was I glad that I didn’t waste my time chasing down something I’ve already caught!)

