Wootini’s Weekly Animal Crossing Diary 10/31/20
Dear Diary,
Well, we’re heading for Halloween, and while I’m writing this entry on Halloween, the spooky festivities won’t be chronicled until next week’s entry. It hasn’t happened yet! But there’s still plenty going on this week as the island gets ready!
I was feeling a little meh, so K.K. Slider decided to play some “Rockin’ K.K.” to cheer me up. It worked. It’s a fun little song and sounds great live! I also enjoy when someone wanders through the performance space as Shari did this evening. So as we’re all rocking out to his music, a rando just walks through the whole thing. It tickles me.
I discovered something new this week. I hadn’t given Lopez a gift in a while so I tried to offer him something, but then I realized I didn’t have anything on me except a bag of 1,000 bells I’d just dug up. And when I tried to give it to him, Lopez turned me down because it didn’t feel right. Sure, he’ll take a super-expensive stereo, but actual money? Nope. Huh. Learn something new every day!
I was actually surprised when I had a camper before Rizzo’s empty plot of land was sold off to some rando, and I thought Frobert looked really cute even though he’s another jock-type. Unfortunately, no matter how many times I talked to him, all he wanted to do was play a card guessing game. Sigh. Eventually, he mentioned moving here and I said he should totally do it. He immediately shut down that idea so I just gave up. Clearly he’s not interested so why should I go out of my way? Unfortunately, the entire rest of the week went by and still no one had bought that plot of land. It’s been longer than ever before. Usually the empty plots are snatched up within a couple days. This is sad. I guess Xanadu isn’t as popular a destination as it once was. That was quick!
By the middle of the week, Isabelle had started decorating the island for Halloween. There were jack o’lanterns stacked in front of the Town Hall, she was wearing a witch’s hat while Tom Nook was wearing devil horns. The Nooklings looked unbelievably adorable in their little hats. I also enjoyed that while Mable had on horns, Sable couldn’t be bothered.
This week, Gulliver washed ashore and once again I helped him find his stupid phone parts so he’d go away. The next day he mailed me this cute little hula doll. When you push it, it starts dancing. I thought it would look great in my basement game room.
When Apple looked forlorn and I asked her about it, she told me she was having trouble catching a sea bass. I found that hard to believe. The only way to not catch a sea bass is to fish in the river! I offered to catch one for her because it was a super-easy request, so naturally, it was a while before I found one. Typical, right? But it was worth it in the end because she thanked me by giving me her picture! Yay! That’s two! Still no Lopez, but that day will come…
At the end of the week, Kitty told me she had thought up a great new nickname for me: “Gold star.” I mean, I’ve heard better, but it doesn’t entirely suck, so I told her to go ahead and use it. Hopefully, it doesn’t really catch on.
Redd also parked in the back and this Graceful painting looked genuine enough. Thankfully, it was and now the Xanadu museum can display “Beauty Looking Back” by Hishikawa Moronobu. Now to rest up before the Halloween festivities!