Wootini’s Weekly Animal Crossing Diary 10/21/23

Chris Eades
3 min readOct 21, 2023


Dear Diary,

It was a nice and normal week on the island, which I was happy about. There was one day when I was very busy so I wasn’t able to do my rounds until very late at night, after the shops had closed. But I thought I’d go and try to catch a fish that I haven’t caught yet because it’s only out overnight, and I’m rarely out and about then. Sadly, after a few tours of the beaches, I still haven’t caught a barrelhead, so I’m assuming it’s not just rare because it only comes out at night but also because it only comes out once in a blue moon. And the moon was normal-colored, sadly. Oh well… I’m not going to let it bother me. At least, I’ll try not to let it bother me!

I remembered to participate in the fishing tournament this time, but unfortunately, I wasn’t able to get enough points to earn the gold trophy. I just got a fish wand, an anchor statue, and a fish-drying rack, all of which I already have. And I didn’t have enough free time to fish all afternoon so I guess I’m going to have to wait until the next one before I get that gold trophy. (I hope! There’s no way of knowing how many points you have total and how many more you might need…)

Early in the week, we had a camper, and I have to say that Ione was really pretty. I just love the color in her tail. It’s very cosmic. Unfortunately, there’s no room on the island right now, so alas, it was only able to be a quick visit to Xanadu.

I didn’t learn any new DIY recipes, but I did find a patchwork low table in Nook’s Cranny, which is a piece of furniture I’ve never seen before. So that’s something, I guess. Always happy to add to my inventory! And I’m not worried about bells, because this week I made a deposit that totaled 13 million bells in my bank account. I should talk to Tom Nook about just buying the island outright. I’m sure I have enough!

Later in the week, I found Lopez on the beach looking like he had something on his mind. Turns out he was thinking about moving away. I’m not sure what could have put that idea in his head, but I got rid of it straight away!

And finally, I found a book on the ground outside of Muffy’s house but it turned out not to be hers. She thought it looked like something belonging to Ace, and sure enough, it was. I was super happy to have done him another favor, but it still didn’t earn me his picture. He just thanked me with a “new-smelling” tee and towel. Oh well, next time!



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