Wootini’s Weekly Animal Crossing Diary 10/17/20

Chris Eades
4 min readOct 17, 2020


Dear Diary,

This week I did something I haven’t done in ages — I forgot to visit my town one day! I couldn’t believe it! The day after I suddenly realized I hadn’t checked in on everyone and was so upset. I didn’t want to risk time travel because the last time I tried that in my previous town there were unforeseen repercussions. So basically I just sucked it up and hoped that nobody tried to move out that day and if they had, they’d still mention it the following day so I could talk them out of it if I wanted to! As it turns out, the only thing I noticed so far was that the next day I visited, there were six fossils to dig up instead of the usual four. (I always pick up all the branches and weeds and dig up all the fossils because I don’t like clutter or holes in my town!) Not sure why there weren’t eight, but whatever. Let’s get on with the rest of the week!

We started off with the fall Fishing Tourney, and while doing a few rounds I got a really cool fish print, an anchor statue, and a fresh cooler. C.J. also informed me after my first couple rounds this time that I had amassed over 100 points total across all the tourneys so I got a special prize. Well, not right then. I had to wait for it to come in the mail. But at least I didn’t get any duplicate prizes like with the Bug Off!

While fishing that day I got very excited to see a gold balloon floating overhead. I waited for it to get over land and shot it down, but unfortunately I screwed up and the present fell into a patch of flowers never to be seen again. Ugh! I hate when that happens! And I hear that the gold balloon holds the recipe for a golden slingshot! Who knows how long it’ll take before another golden balloon floats overhead…

The next day I got a bronze fish trophy in the mail from C.J. for scoring over 100 points total in the tourneys. It occurs to me now that I’m going to have to keep doing the fishing tourneys and bug offs and selling off all those duplicate prizes because I need to get enough points for a silver trophy and eventually… a gold one! So I have that to look forward to, I suppose.

Since C.J. was taking over the plaza on Saturday, K.K. Slider stopped by on Sunday and there was a pretty good crowd at 6 when I made my request. I told him I was feeling lazy, and K.K. Slider decided to play “K.K. Reggae” for us. If I’m being completely honest, this one is better on the record.

The whole week was relatively quiet until Friday when Kitty confessed to me she was thinking of moving out. I was a little taken aback since she just moved in. I asked her to stick around and she was happy to do so. I guess I should probably talk to her more so she doesn’t try to move again for a while.

I also decided that it was time to try another spoopy Halloween ensemble so I went ahead and put on the mummy outfit and mask. There’s no shoes that go with it that I’m aware of, so I’m going barefoot and just have to be careful not to step on any branches or flaming piles of leaves. I didn’t change my skin or eye color because I thought the green still worked nicely and the red eye peeking out is really cool. (Also, I’m leaving my pumpkins in the patch because I don’t need to pick any more right now. I have so many more pumpkins than I need for the DIY recipes it’s not even funny. Better than the other way around, I suppose!)



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