Wootini’s Weekly Animal Crossing Diary 10/16/21

Chris Eades
4 min readOct 16, 2021


Dear Diary,

It was kind of a great week on Xanadu! I learned new things, had fun parties, made a new friend, and got some awesome new things! Well, mostly…

I totally forgot there was a Fishing Tourney, so when I left my house, there was literally like, two minutes left in the thing before it ended. So by the time I got to the plaza, C.J. had already wrapped up for the day. Not that I’m particularly bothered, though, since I’ve got everything already. I just like to do the free participation round to make C.J. feel better!

I was very excited to shoot down a balloon and get a recipe for a pine bonsai tree! I love bonsai. Of course, when I checked my storage, I only had a couple pine cones from last year so I had to go around shaking a ton of trees to collect as many as I needed for the recipe. It took forever, but it was worth it! Just look at this beauty!

Somehow when I saw the name “Flurry” on the sold sign on Eunice’s plot of land, I knew they’d be wintry looking. And sure enough, Flurry turned out to be an adorable little white hamster! Although I admit I kind of expected her home decor to be like, snow furniture or something. But it’s just white and pink girly stuff. Flurry seems nice enough, so we’ll just have to see how long she lasts!

Unfortunately, the day came this week where Lopez asked if he could use the “youngin” nickname Harry came up with. Sigh. It really only sounds right coming from Harry, but honestly, Lopez can call me whatever he wants…

I also discovered a new DIY recipe in a bottle that washed up on the beach. That’s always a pleasant surprise. Just when you think you’ve got them all… another one pops up! Of course, I’m not interested in making a mum wreath right now. Maybe once spring rolls around…

Much to my surprise, the Rock-head statue that Harry sent me in the mail turned out to be the genuine Olmec Colossal Head! Very exciting to finally have another sculpture in my museum! Although I have to wonder where Harry got his hands on this thing and why it was just collecting dust in his house… He’s full of surprises!

This week was Plucky’s birthday, and while I expected to see her next-door neighbor, Cherry, there, it was actually Flurry who was partying with her. Somebody makes friends fast! I bought Plucky a candy machine and she seemed super happy with it. Although she could have just been shining me on…

Towards the end of the week, we had a camper, and while Mathilda talked sweetly, I think that’s just to lull you into a false sense of security before she and her child murder you. Just look at her terrifying eyes! Please don’t move here!

I also helped Gullivarrr out and as the week came to a close, I got my reward, which was just another pirate barrel. Guess there’s no variety of colors for the barrels. Oh well. Better luck next time, I guess!



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