Wootini’s Weekly Animal Crossing Diary 10/15/22
Dear Diary,
It’s definitely fall on the island! Trees are starting to change color and the temperatures are cooling off. And surprisingly, there was a lot going on this week, so let’s just jump right in!
Once again, I totally forgot about the Fishing Tourney. I literally showed up with barely 10 minutes left so I could only get in a few rounds. Still, it turned out to be just enough!
I got another fish pochette when I traded in my points, but C.J. informed me that I had earned enough points to reach 200 total which meant a special prize! And the next day, I got this silver fishing trophy in the mail! So I put it on the table next to my silver bug collecting trophy. Unfortunately, with winter setting in, it’s going to be a while before I can try to earn more points in either tourney to go for the gold!
I learned a couple of new recipes this week, and again they were ones that I totally thought I already had. First, Francine showed me how to make cherry jelly. Then, later in the week, Genji taught me his recipe for a pear smoothie. Yum!
Remember last week when I finally got up early enough to buy turnips? Well, the real reason for that was so I could take some and leave them on the ground to rot. That takes a whole entire week to happen, but once it did, I was finally able to catch an ant crawling on it! You used to be able to do that with fruit, which was a lot easier. And it’s why I couldn’t believe I hadn’t already caught an ant for the museum. Well, that’s one more down!
Sometimes while walking through the plaza, I will see some of my friends having a good time together, exercising, hanging out, singing, whatever. But when I see stuff like this — Apple, Ace, and Genji having a barbecue — I have to wonder… did my invitation get lost in the mail, guys? I mean, seriously!
This week I started to get serious about catching a giant trevally for the museum, which is one of the fish I haven’t caught yet. The thing is, it’s only around until the end of October so I’m running out of time. And it only appears at the end of the dock, which makes it harder still. So I’ve been digging up a lot of clams on the beach so I can use them to make bait and see if I can catch this thing. So far, no luck. But I’ve still got another couple of weeks. And on the plus side, it got me some Nook Miles for digging up 100 clams total.
So Lopez was all nervous and excited as he asked me to deliver a present to Zucker. Is he deliberately trying to make me jealous? But I’m nothing if not accommodating, so I dropped it off and Zucker tried on his long denim cardigan, praising Lopez’s fashion taste. Worse, when I reported back to Lopez, he was all like, “How did it look on Zucker? Better than it would on me? I’ll have to find out…” Seriously? I’m gonna need Zucker to move, and soon!
Towards the end of the week, Gulliver showed up, and since I was digging around on the beach anyway, I figured why not help him while I’m at it. So for a little bit I dug up communication parts instead of clams and for my reward I got another turban. At least the feather was a different color than the other two I already have!
We also had a meteor shower this week, which Isabelle reported in her announcements, but that I very nearly completely forgot about. Thankfully, I had just enough time to go find Celeste and get a DIY recipe for a Libra scale. I also made some wishes on falling stars to collect the next day, but not many.
As I said before, I would rather Zucker decide to move off the island so I can keep him away from by boyfriend, but instead, it was Apple contemplating leaving. The thing is, she’s one of my only remaining OG’s, so I’m still reluctant to say goodbye. I just enjoy her too much. She’s so cute and adorable! So I asked her to stay and she happily agreed. Phew! Now maybe we can get rid of Zucker next week… Fingers crossed!