Wootini’s Weekly Animal Crossing Diary 10/14/23
Dear Diary,
Over the course of this week the leaves on the trees went from being not quite so bright a green to almost yellow. But they’re still not super colorful and they’re not falling yet. Also, I was surprised to find new things this week! I love discovering new things even after all these years!
Things got off to a rough start when Genji admitted he was thinking about leaving the island. As always, I had to shut down his plans because this entire corner of the island is based around his house design. I’m not changing it, so he’s stuck here as long as I am! Sorry, Genji!
We also had a camper, and as fun as Felicity seems, there’s just no room for her on the island. We’re full up right now! (Although she looks vaguely familiar so I might have her card somewhere in case I wanted to invite her specifically in the future…)
Every day I pop into Nook’s Cranny to sell off my sticks, rocks, fossils, and anything else I picked up along the way, and I always check out what’s on sale. After all this time, there’s usually nothing I haven’t seen before but this week, I was surprised to see this shoji divider. At first I thought this was just a specific design that I hadn’t seen before but when I checked my catalog, I had no shoji divider listed there at all. So yay for finding something new! And as a bonus, it’s really nice!
In the middle of the week, Isabelle mentioned we were going to have shooting stars so I came out in the evening again to make some wishes and get a new DIY (hopefully!). Unfortunately, after scouring the island, I had seen no sign of Celeste anywhere. So I just stood there and made wishes for a little while as the stars fell above me. Then, just before going home, I decided to take another look around. I still didn’t see here but then just as I gave up, she popped out from behind a tree! So I had to come back out again because I wanted that DIY! Luckily, she was right outside my house at that point so I didn’t even have to look for her. And as a bonus, it was a brand new DIY I didn’t already have, for a sci-fi wall! That would have been good like, a year ago when I had made that spaceship room. Oh well!
This week was also Kitt’s birthday, and once again, I kind of forgot to find just the right present. I popped into Nook’s Cranny and decided to just buy the wood plank table that was on sale and wrap it up. And much to my delight, she seemed beyond thrilled about unwrapping that. Go figure! I mean, she could have been pretending, but that doesn’t seem like something Kitt would do.
Apollo wanted to suggest a new nickname for me, so I told him to go for it. I don’t really ever feel particularly lucky, but if he wants to call me that, maybe it’ll rub off through osmosis or something? Stranger things have happened!
At the end of the week, I found Gulliver washed ashore again, and this time I remembered to actually deliver the parts I collected! Unfortunately, the next day his gift was another pagoda. Oh well. I’ve already got one of those. And I don’t think it was a different color or anything. Although I didn’t actually check. Hrm. Maybe I shouldn’t have sold it to the Nooklings! Oops!
And then to wrap things up, I saw this decorative plate on sale that didn’t look familiar to me. And when I checked my catalog, it confirmed that I have never seen this before! Or at least I’ve never bought one before… Anyway, it was 14,000 bells, but who cares? I’m swimming in bells, so it doesn’t matter. Now the only question is who gets this as a gift?