Wootini’s Weekly Animal Crossing Diary 1/8/22
Dear Diary,
Well, thankfully after the holidays finally ended things did calm down quite a bit. I’m still getting to know my new neighbor, but Tank seems to have a one-track mind and it’s getting old very quickly. Genji may be a jock but at least he can talk about other things. Tank, on the other hand… well, let’s just say I don’t know if he’ll be around very much longer.
I did get a duplicate recipe this week but I also learned how to make fruit cupcakes from Sherb, bread gratin from Apple, a cherry smoothie from a bottle I found on the beach, and potato galette from Francine. I didn’t actually cook any of them yet but I still enjoy collecting the recipes and filling up my cook book!
Because it’s a new year, Mom wrote another letter with a lovely present. “Dear Chris,” she said. “As I greet the New Year, I’ve decided to become one of those fancy ‘hobby’ people. If my creativity were a flower, it would be in full bloom.” And lo and behold, the Mom’s art this time around was this lovely illustration of some roses. In full bloom, indeed! Nice work, Mom!
When I heard we had a camper, I was excited to see who it might be but as soon as I stepped inside the tent I was taken aback. Drago might be a nice guy but I found him kind of scary. And first impressions are everything. Sorry, Drago!
So remember last week when I let Sherb call me “buddy” even though I thought it was kind of basic? And I hoped it wouldn’t catch on? Well, Genji caught wind of the new nickname and wanted to use it as well. Sigh. I really should stand up for myself, but I really am a people pleaser. Do what you want, gang!
So while on Harv’s island checking out the art, shoes, wallpaper, and flooring, I had a little extra time so I decided to go ahead and have Katrina read my fortune. Unfortunately, it was bad news. I didn’t really mind, but then she offered to lift the curse for 10,000 bells. What a racket! She probably put that curse on me herself! Or at least just told me I was going to have bad luck so she could get me to give her money to “cure” me. Suuuure… I mean, after this I pretty much called it a day anyway, so it’s not like I noticed if I had bad luck or anything, but I figured why not give it a go.
I guess Katrina was able to lift the curse because everything seemed fine to me. And as a bonus, the next day I got a letter that read: “Dearest Chris, I hope this letter finds you well and that our purification ceremony has helped you escape disaster. I have imbued this item with luck and a portion of my power. Use it well! Thank you for seeking me out.” And enclosed was this horsheshoe door decoration. Since the holidays are over, I took down my festive wreath and replaced it with this. I don’t know if it will really bring me luck, but hey — it can’t hurt, right?
The week concluded with Harry’s birthday, which I have to admit I kind of forgot about. Since I wasn’t able to shop properly and everything in Nook’s Cranny was crap, I went ahead and crafted him a terrarium, which he seemed to really like. And I don’t mean just shining me on to be polite. This is Harry, we’re talking about. He wouldn’t do that! I think he was being genuine. I do wonder just how old he is, though…