Wootini’s Weekly Animal Crossing Diary 1/7/23
Dear Diary,
Well, it’s a new year and things on the island don’t seem to be slowing down one bit! Sometimes I feel like I need a vacation from my vacation! Let’s jump right in, shall we?
I missed the actual stroke of midnight, but I ran out of my house and down to the plaza at 12:01 to join in the celebration and wave my glow stick around with everybody else. I chatted with a few of my friends but then went to bed because I am old and tired. (And thankfully, my house is far enough away from the plaza that they won’t keep me up.)
And of course, being a new month, I got my letter from Mom like clockwork. “My dear Chris,” she wrote. “As I greet the New Year, I’ve decided to become one of those fancy ‘hobby’ people. If my creativity were a flower, it would be in full bloom. Behold! — Mom.” And inside she included another of Mom’s art, this time a lovely cross-stitch-looking picture of a white cottage in a field of colorful flowers. It’s quite nice. Go, Mom!
I also kicked off the new year learning a couple of new recipes, something I didn’t expect. I honestly thought I had pretty much most of them. But Lopez showed me how to make cherry pie and then a few days later, Ace gave me his recipe for baked potatoes.
Of course, before Ace could share his recipe for baked potatoes, he had to tell me his plans for moving away. Obviously, I changed his mind, since he gave me the recipe the day after this conversation. Also, he only just got here, and he was my BFF in the very first town where I lived, so I am certainly not ready to say goodbye yet.
And speaking of faces from the past, I was delighted to see Octavian camping on Xanadu this week. Sadly, we had no open spaces for him to move into, so I had to let him go. I would really love another cranky personality on the island. Besides me, I mean. But it’s okay, because I’m pretty sure I’ve got his card so I can give him a call whenever I like.
This week also brought Roald’s birthday. I really need to get into the habit of buying and wrapping a gift as soon as I see Isabelle’s announcement on the town bulletin board. Because she posts them so early that I forget and then the birthday rolls around and I have to race to get a present! Luckily, there was a blue corner on sale in Nook’s Cranny, so I bought that and wrapped it up to give him. I figured Roald would like it because he’s a big jock, and he did seem extremely enthusiastic when he unwrapped it.
And lo and behold, he must have really enjoyed that birthday present because the following day when he sent me a thank you note, his thank you gift was his picture! I think that’s the first time I’ve ever gotten a picture in the mail as a thank you. So up on the wall it goes. He’s adorable.